Part 105

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It didn't take long for the world to find out that Aubrey and I were having a baby. For the most part, my fandom was thrilled. They couldn't wait to see our little one or find out what we would have. But of course you had the people who didn't think Aubrey and I belonged. Then there were the people who said we only married because I "knocked her up" as they put it. Aubrey and I didn't care. We just brushed all he hate off. At the end of the day, we were very much in love, happily married, and expecting our first little miracle. That's all that really mattered to us. Because no matter what anyone said, it wasn't gonna change the way Aubrey and I felt about each other. This was real love, the real deal. Whether some people wanted to see that or not. A little time passed, it was an early April afternoon, I arrived home with a little surprise for Aubrey. Something we talked about a few times. We were already so happy, but I figured it wouldn't hurt to add a little something more. "Sweetheart, where are you?" - "I'm up here baby!" She yelled, her voice coming from upstairs. I started to walk upstairs at the same time she was making her way down. "OH MY GOD! BRUNO IS THAT... IS THAT A DOG?! IS IT REAL?" she yelled with a smile running to meet me the rest if the day down! "It is! I adopted him today....for us. I named him Geronimo. I hope that's okay?" She looked up at me and smiled. "Of course! It's perfect! He's perfect! Can I hold him?" - "of course baby. He's ours! Our first pooch!" I said with a smile handing him to her. She took him carefully from my hands and said "Hello Geronimo, I'm Aubrey, your new mommy. You are going to be the happiest pooch on the planet here with us. And soon, you will have a little baby brother or sister to look after and grow up with" I smiled. She looked so incredibly happy and I was the reason for that happiness. It felt so good. Our little family was growing. Starting with this little pooch. Then in a few months, just like Aubrey just told Geronimo. Our little one would be here. It was hard to contain all the emotions I felt.

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