Part 15

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The next day I got a call from Brandon Creed. He agreed to help me. It's been a struggle. He eventually quit the company and took on a job as my Manager. I quit working at the club. I was writing songs for other people now and some other things on the side. Met some cool people along the way. Only downfall of that was I didn't get to hang out with Aubrey that much anymore. That made Chanel happy. Anyway, like I said, it was a struggle to make my dream come true. I didn't expect it to be this hard. I stopped using my last name which was Hernandez and started going by Bruno Mars. My big break came when we released a track I was featured on with B.O.B The track was called Nothing On You. Then soon after, Billionaire with Travie McCoy. October of that same year I released my first solo album, Doo-Wops & Hooligans. It seemed like it was instant success after that. I kept in touch with Aubrey and I knew it was time for that celebration. I called her up. "Hey Aubs, you working tonight?" - "Yeah, why what's up?" - "I'm in LA. I was gonna see if you wanted to hang. Haven't seen you in a minute. I miss my best friend." - "Awww me too, raincheck?" - "How about tomorrow?" - "Sounds good Aubrey" - "Okay, see you then. Bye Brunz" - "Bye sweetheart" I say and hang up.

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