
"Hey Chloe" i said entering her house with Lil on my heels . Lil begged me to come over here to see Emma and play with her and of course i say yes because there's a advantage to this situation. I'll get to see Enrique.

"Hey Dani, Hey Lily bear." Chloe smiled and ruffled her hair 

"My name is Lily not Lily bear." Lil said pouting and rolling her eyes. Chloe and i laughed 

"Feisty." Chloe chuckled "I'm making breakfast want?" 

"Yes please i'm starved." Lil said rubbing her belly i laughed 

"Okay make some for me and her.want any help?" i asked hoping she'll say no so i can talk to Enrique 

"Nah i'm good, go find Enrique i know that what you really want to." 

i started to blushed and i try to hide my hair from her."Don't blush, now go." she laughed 

i laughed and grab Lil's hand and pulled her upstairs, i opened Enrique's door he wasn't in there hmm strange i wondered if Em's in her room. I shut his door and walked to Em's room and i saw Em playing with her toy set, 

"Lilyyyy!." she said and run over to where we where 

"Em." Lil laughed 

"Hey Dani, can Lil come and pay with me peas?" I chuckled at her pronoucation of play and please she'll get it one day 

"Sure. Where's daddy?"

"over there sleeping." She pointed to her bed and i nodded and walked over there, He was sleeping so peacefully, his hands where sprawled out and his hair was messy i smiled down at him, he looks so good sleeping but i preferred him awake a smiled mischievously makes his way up to my face

"Hey guys i'll be right back." I said and she nodded and walked out of her room and into Sarah's room, she was awake.

"Hey babe." I said as i got in there

"Hey doll."

"I need to borrow your makeup things." i said laying down one her bed 

"Sure...Where are you going though?" she said handing me her kit 

I stifle a laugh " Me i'm not going anywhere, this my dear friend is for your brother, he want his make-up done."

"My brother? Enrique you sure?" she asked skeptical

"Yip....Well i decided he wants one, he's sleeping." i said smiling 

"Well go, he's a light sleeper, so be careful." she said laughing 

"Sure. Thanks, i'll be going." i said heading out the door but before i leave she called me back "Hey Dani?" 


"You like my brother?" 

What! Do i like her brother?, i mean he smells good and make me laugh and i feel happy around him and be myself around him so the answered with the truth. 

"Yeah i do." i said blushing

"Good, i thinks he like you too." She said smiling 

"How you know?" i said fully interested now

"I know my brother, now go before he wakes." She said pushing me out and laughing 

I laughed." no pushing woman i'm going." I walked down the hallway and couldn't stop think about sar saying her brother likes me, i mean is it possible? i mean he's always talking to me  and teasing me, he walked me home and makes me sit next to him. could it be? i discarded the thought and entered his room. the girls where playing dress up and the dolls are their babies, i smiled and make my way over to a sleeping Enrique and began my work out art...i applied face  powder softly carefully not to wake him up, the i put on some blush then i went for some eyeshadow when i finished the last eye he moved i held me breathe, please don't wake up please don't and he didn't i blew out a breath of air and began working on the lip stick i got a red red colour, i applied it o the top then the bottom and then he moved and the lip stick drew across his cheek and his eyes opened oh shit shit shitty shit i dare not moved my hand in case he fell back to sleep

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27, 2013 ⏰

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