Chapter One

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**Song on the side**

**Picture of Jayden on the side**

Chapter One

            Gang life is tough. You read the newspapers, watch the news, and listen to the radio checking to see if there were any robberies, shootings, or killings. Nine times of ten there is something that happened. Nine times out of ten the neighborhood fears for their lives. Nine times out of ten I don’t blame them. Because nine times out of ten Los Suenos has been there, on the scene.

            What is Los Suenos you ask? The Dreams, the most well known gang in Chicago. They don’t wear any specific types of clothes. No bandanas. No flags. No special t-shirts, none of that. They’re mysterious, lethal, well trained, and swift. How do I know this? Well, that’s simple. I’m their ringleader.

            I remember as a little girl growing up as the only child. It was easy to find something to do to keep me entertained in the big two story brick home while my Mom and Dad worked. Dad would sometimes get up early in the morning and not come home until the next day. I always noticed Mom being cautious and slightly more protective over me when he did this.

            Being a little girl I didn’t mind him being gone for long periods of time at all. Whenever he was gone that meant it was time for me to get a gift when he came back. I would sit in the chair closest to the door in my curly pigtails and wait for him to walk through the front door. Once he did I’d attack him senseless with hugs and questions about my gift.

“Calm down Tiger.” He’d chuckle.

            Next, he would proceed to sit me on his lap and I’d turn to face him expectantly. He’d search his pants pocket and shirt pocket acting like he was searching for the gift. He’d then pull off both of his shoes and check there, still not finding the gift.

“J-Doll, I don’t think I have it with me. Where else could it be?” He feigned cluelessness.

I’d giggle. “Check the inside of your jacket Daddy!”

            He’d make an ah-ha face and reach his large hand into his inside jacket pocket and pull out some type of black box. “What a smart Tiger I have. Are you ready for your gift J-Doll?”

“Yeah yeah yeah.”

            He hands me the black box and I open it with barely contained excitement. I gasp as I looked inside to see a precious gold chained necklace with a dream cloud pendant on it.

“Daddy!” I exclaimed. “You got this for me?”

            He nodded. “I sure did and look I have the same thing but it’s just on my arm. It’s just like your necklace. This means we’re connected here.” He pointed to his arm. “And here.” He pointed to both of our hearts.

“But Daddy what about Mommy?”

“She is connected with us too.”

I blinked. “How? Where is hers?”

“She has one on her belly. Whenever you get a chance you should ask her to see it.” He suggested.

            I glanced over at Mom who was leaning in the doorway watching the little interaction between Dad and me. I asked her with my eyes if what he said was true. She confirmed it by smiling and nodding her head. I turned back to Dad.

“We’re all connected.” I repeated.

“Yes sweetheart you’re right.”

“Thank you for my necklace Daddy. I like the jewelry that you give me. Where does it come from?”

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