Queen of Disaster!

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Queen of Disaster!

Eleanor's POV

"What can you say about your behavior last night?" Lady St. Ann asks in a tone of reprehension. Oh Lord...

"It was...wrong?" I state/ask still tired. Anastasia, Alice and even Henry had already told me that in the same old room... I guess they are afraid of me leaving like if I am going to be a disaster. What can I do outside? Break a lady's nail?

"Wrong? It was more than wrong! You embarrassed Sir Windsor and that's a horrid thing to do." Oh my God, what's the problem of saying 'hell'? England wasn't even a catholic country by the time! Someone is overreacting...

"I guess I am sorry." I whisper weakly.

I don't want to stay there... I want to go home... to the XXI century... a normal century... I know I seem a child, but I just want to go back and forgive Louis... maybe if I hadn't being so critical we'd still be together, and just to think he is in the arms of another girl...

"Don't say that to me. You'll have to say that to him in tomorrow's dinner. With the Queen." Lady St. Ann states taking me of my daydream and making me sigh.

"Of cour-WHAT?! Are you mad, woman?" She has just said the queen? THE queen? I barely know how to walk with these weird dresses, imagine me talking with the queen. THAT would be a disaster for sure, honey...

"Look the way you speak to me, Charlotte." Elizabeth says angry. She seems older than before, but I still see how beautiful she is with that black hair and a true smile that hardly appears. Everyone who looks at her just sees a forty year old fighter, but I see a tired person... tired of life, tired of everything...

"The Queen?" I repeat trying to understand what is going on. I don't have anything last to say, just that. Oh, or maybe "THAT WILL BE AS DISASTROUS AS WHEN HAYLOR HAPPENED!", but I think that would be quite impolite and there was a small chance of her not comprehending the comparison.

"The Queen. Now if you excuse me, I'll talk to Christian to see if he still wants to marry you."


And she lets me with five little words in my mind: It will be a disaster.


"Lady Charlotte St. Ann." Someone announces me when I get into the Palace's room. I've already seen that salon so many times when visiting London I supposed it wouldn't change so much, and it didn't. The only difference is that most people who were in the paints were already dead- unfortunately I cannot say the same now.

"You are outstanding, milady." A deep voice behind me whispers and I turn around to see Christian blushing in those old clothes. Well, old clothes to me 'cause for him these are the newest fashion in London.

"That's very kind of you, Sir Windsor" I smile shyly. My dress wasn't as expensive as many dresses there, but it really made me blush Christian being this kind... I'm not used with that behavior coming from boys, especially the ones I'm going to marry with.

We talk a little about the war and, of course, the marriage. I don't know some words they use quite often, but I try to act like I do and to use the best vocabulary I have.

After some minutes I start to notice how nervous he is, maybe as nervous as I am to meet the queen. He shakes his hands all the time and messes with his hair too... At first I think it's the meeting with the queen, when I finally notice it isn't that. He is nervous because of me.

Or, rather saying, Charlotte St. Ann.

"So, shall we meet Aunt Charlotte?" He asks offering me his arm and showing a weak smile.

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