Hunger Holly Ferb or Phineas, Wood & Games?

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Hunger Holly Ferb or Phineas, Wood & Games?

Eleanor's POV

"Soooooo... I think you already know how things work out on this century, right?" Anastasia says while making me sit next to her. We were in my bedroom and Henry and Christian were doing something so anyone would mess up with this 'lecture' that Alice and Anastasia were giving me. Oh and I think my 'mother' was reading in the woods... Or going to hell. Whatever.

"Kind of. I'm sure that isn't any dragons or lost princess. Am I right?"

"Correct. So you will have to learn about Charlotte's life, okay?" Anastasia seems a quite happy and free girl. Not as free as Charlotte for sure. People came to me all the time and said things Charlotte did like if I did it. I am quite sure I would never change the plates with the slaves just to show people they were equal. This girl is crazy! AND as white as a ghost!

"Probably isn't that hard. "I conclude, but I see the look Anastasia and Alice give me and get afraid. "Wait. Is it hard?"

But as the polite person the ginger is, she ignores it and starts the lesson. "Well, Misses Elizabeth and Mister Charles raised her as a catholic, but since Charlotte and Elizabeth moved to England..."

Wait, wait, wait. WHAT? SHE ISN'T BRITISH? Of course I wasn't going to scream with them so I just ask: "What?"

"Charlotte is French as well as Anastasia and her family." Alice speaks FINALLY! I was starting to think a cat ate her tongue. Or she was just like that slaves in the Hunger Games that the tongue was taken away after they betrayed Panem. Okay, so now I'll have to try to survive. May the odds be with me. 

"That's cool."

"Okay... but as the eyes of the British people you are an Anglican, okay?" Okay, I'm quite sure this didn't happen at the Hunger Games

Ah, that freaking religious war.... Even here? Really? Man, religion everywhere! Of course I am catholic but there are some wars that are ridiculous. I am against every kind of violence and I do not support any war, specially religious ones. What I've read about religious wars made me wanna vomit.... I am serious. Specially the crusades. Oh God, they put children to cook and ate them! And this isn't the worse! My gran

"Okay. Why did she move out?" I need to know everything.

"Ahn...." Oh great, Annie is speechless. Maybe she doesn't know why Charlotte moved out... Who knows why Charlie moved out? Maybe is because she is an agent of CIA just like Perry from Phineas & Ferb and is trying to find Doofen-I-don't-know-the-name in my century. Okay, this was Hunger Games seconds ago and now is Phineas & Ferb.

"Miss Calder, can I speak?" I almost screamed: "OF COURSE YOU CAN WOMAN! YOU JUST DID!" but I, as the polite person I am, just nod and add:

"Of course you can, Alice. And please, call me Eleanor."

"Charlotte was a beautiful rebel girl. She had good life and love. Until the rebellion. That took away all her life. She had to run away to England with Annie and me...and left her dad and love behind." Tragic. Wow, I'm so sad about her life...*sarcasm mode on* C'MON! SHE IS A LADY OF THE XIX! HER LIFE ISN'T THAT HARD!

Then I remember Henry/Louis, probably her love. He was so kind and cute with her... HE WAS POLITE! She was probably going to marry him... CORRECTION: I am going to marry him.

"So, Henry is her love. Will I marry him?"

" You'll marry Christian. That was one of Charlotte's problems." Wow. How Anastasia is direct! Is everyone here like that? I WANT TO GO BACK!

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