The Mask

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There are some things in life that you do for fun, ones that have no personal gain, some that you do for just personal gain, and the others that you do for both.

My original plan tonight was to stay up until midnight having a Disney movie marathon, but the little voices in my head told me to do otherwise. You know how everyone has a conscious? I must. tha be about four of them. Or maybe they aren't even my consciouses at all? I don't know honestly, but whatever it was it told me to take a walk outside, but in something good for running in. Maybe it was my mind wanting to do what I did the other night. Jumping across the roof tops and what not.

I decided to dress in black sports pants with my long black boots which are really good for running in, a black singlet and my typical blank jumper on top. I them decide to put one of my sisters black caps on, and out of it, fell a mask. The black with flecks rainbow dots coloured fabric seemed to be almost perfect with what I've got on. But why would Amber have something like this?

"I am Dark Sparkle, and you Nature Girl are going down!"

"Oh my god..." I whisper as I remember what she used it for. It was our child hood game of heroes and villains. How long has it been since we played? I must have been around seven or eight when we last did.

A cool wetness rolled down my cheek and I noticed I had started to cry. I clenched the mask in my hand and wiped my tears. Amber wouldn't want me to be sad, as long as she's got a smile on her face I can feel a little happy. I know she's out there and she's safe, and I will find her one way or another. I made myself a promise and I'm going to keep it.

I tie the mask around my head and look in the mirror. It fits perfectly, leaving two slits where my green eyes shine through. I look like a total badass, so I strike pose to match. I look like I'm about to much someone, and then I pretend I'm doing karate!

"Hi-ya!" I shout as I karate chop the air. Damn does this look so cool! A laugh escapes me as I realise how childish I'm being, but never the less, I love being a kid.

I head out the door, locking it in the process and run down the street in total darkness. The first place I go is the park. The park here was like a second home to me, and it's kinda just a habit to go there.

A shriek filled the night and I stiffened at it. It sent chills down my spine. My feet hit the ground hard as I ran towards the sound, and as I got closer I could hear the sound of a man moaning in pain, in short bursts. Then I saw in the corner of the park, was a woman being carried off, slung over the shoulder of some guy with her hands tied behind her back, and now duck tape over her mouth. Her shoulder length black hair was in a mess as she tried to escape.

There's nothing duck tape can't solve.

There was also a man, being held back by two other men and getting punched in the stomach by another one. "Hannah!" He got out before receiving a blow to the jaw. The man had Asian features, Upwards styled black hair, and by the looks of things, he had already put up a big fight.

His pleading brown eyes lock with my own, and they tell me one thing.

Save her...

Let me know what you think! It would help a lot!

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