>Kiani's POV<

"Eleanor could I talk to you." Everyone had watched Roman storm out of the auditorium and they had watched me with big, deer-in-the-headlight eyes, walk back down to them. 

"Yeah.." She excused herself from the conversation her, Cara, Erika, and Danielle had been having about Cara's soon to be son. We headed upstage, out of earshot from everyone.

"You know what Louis knows, don't you."

"Depends, what does Louis know.." She made her tone match my urgent one.

"I don't want to say it if you don't already know. About Delilah. Roman's Delilah." I clarified, raising my eyebrows and hoping she already knew.

"Yes, I do. How did you find out?" Her eyebrows scrunched up, trying to figure it out.

"I saw her backstage."


"No, Audrey." She took a step back and her mouth opened.


"Last night right before the show. She was with Louis and Delilah." I told her, surprised she didn't know that Audrey was here.

"Louis didn't tell me about that." She looked down at her feet as she said this. Louis was in trouble later.

"Roman's starting to ask questions, and I accidentally saw her. Sooner or later everyone's going to know." 

"I kind of want them to." She admitted. I nodded my head, agreeing.

"Same and I'd really like to see her again." The image of Audrey walking down the hall with her daughter flashed into my mind again. "I didn't get to say much to her. I was in complete shock."

"I need to talk to her. I absolutely have to apologize and everything."

"But it would mess so much up." All of the possibilites frightened me.

"I know. But I think it'd be worth it." She told me. I didn't answer her, but I completely agreed with her.

>Liam's POV<

I walked through hallways thinking of my contestant's song choices. They'd chosen some pretty amazing songs. Lunch just ended and now they were working with their vocal coaches. I thought I'd step in and observe some of their rehearsals.

I walked into the first rehearsal room but knew it was the wrong room before I even stepped throuhg the open door. However, I was sucked into the room anyways. For two reasons: 1. This contestant already ahd their song memorized and was sitting on the edge of the grand piano with her back to me. Most contestants don't have their song memorized until tomorrow and 2. Her voice was captivating. Perfect actually and it fit nicely with the familiar song.

I found myself walking over to the piano, her back still to me. Her vocal coach eyed me funny as she tried to listen to the song. I sat down at the piano bench, Delilah's back still away from me. I began playing the Little Mix song that she was singing.

At first, she just kept singing, but eventually she slowly turned around, not missing a single note.

"Turn your face, walk away, and stay.." Her eyes widened when she saw that it was me. I may not be Delilah's mentor but sometimes I wish I was. She has that star quality and she's going to go far in this business. I smiled at her, letting her know to go on as my fingers continued hitting the keys.

"In my memory, I was hurtin, long before we met, oh. In my memory, they're still burnin, fingerprints you left and I always meant to say to you I Cant!"

Hey There Delilah (Sequel to Not The Same)Where stories live. Discover now