KurokoxReaderxAomine: Know

Start from the beginning

"Aomine-kun...please leave me alone for now."
"She's not yet gone. She'll always be there inside your heart."
"How can you be so sure of that!? She's gone! I loved her yet now she's dead! I wasn't...wasn't able to tell her how much I love her. I killed her."
"No you didn't! She loved you as well! It was just an accident!"
"I killed her... If I just stopped and listened to her pleas." Aomine couldn't take it anymore so he punched the poor boy.

"Then it's yours then! She didn't give up because of a small mistake. She made up for that! Now you should do the same!" He left.

Three days later, the burial was held. Many of them shed tears for you were a great friend to them. Your soul came and looked at them. You saw the familiar light blue haired man. You hugged him from behind as he cried.

"I'll always love you Kuroko Tetsuya."

•Aomine Daiki

"I'm sorry. Your shirt is now wet." You quickly wiped your eyes but he crouched down and wiped it himself.

"You said that he's light and the team is not yet strong. Then I'll wait to see that but now, I don't wish to see you cry. You're strong and I know that you can see it yourself." He smiled at you which made you blush a lot. You didn't know why but your stomach felt fuzzy and all. You dried all the tears and smiled at him.

"You're right. We're going to get stronger Aomine, just wait and see."

The following weeks were all full of training and whatnot. You met Shutoku at another reserve spot and you tried to do your part as a manager. You saw that Midorima made Kagami realize that he should not always just dunk but do other more.

'I've got to give him credits for that. Everyone knows that Kagami's a basketball idiot. This is a huge help.'

It continued until you watched the game between Kaijo and Tôô. It pained you to see them lose but that's how the game should be. When the game was done, you decided to visit Aomine and surprisingly, you wanted to be with him.

'That's weird indeed.'

"Huh? (First name)?"
"Congrats. I know you'll win but...is Kise alright?"
"He knows not to mess with me. I'm sure that he'll get back in time."
"Aomine? Why do you keep making yourself the bad guy when in actual, you're really helping them grow out of their shell. It's only making you look like you don't want to go out of your own."
"I'm not really. Why'd you come here for?"
"Oh! Yeah. Here." You gave him your home made bento and hoped that he'll like it.

"Wah! This is good! I haven't had this good food in years."
"How about I make you from now on then?"
"You'll do that?"
"Yeah. I mean, I wake up and finish early. Guess another food to eat won't hurt. I live alone after all."
"Then, what do you want in return?"
"Play basketball with me!" You said with joy. He was shocked and soon, smiled.


From that day on, you would make him bento and in the afternoon, whenever he skips practice, he would go to your meeting place and play there. Kuroko, on the other hand, has been worried about you because there are times wherein you're stressed out in school. He would see you often sleeping in class or drowsing while eating. The truth is you're thinking of more ways to improve the team and base it all with how Aomine works and the other GOM.

"Are you alright?"
"Kuroko-kun. I'm fine. Just tired."
"How about you go to the infirmary and sleep there?" This time, when you stood up, you suddenly collapsed and luckily, Kuroko was there to catch you.

He quickly put you to the infirmary and let you rest there. When you woke up, he was there sitting.

"You're alright. I'm glad that you are."
"What happened?"
"You collapsed when you stood up and I quickly sent you here. Are you really alright?"
"I'm pretty sure."
"(Last name)-san. I know it's not yet the right time but....I like you and please go out with me!" You were shocked. This was the first time you heard his loud voice outside the court. It makes you happy that he likes you but...your heart lies somewhere else. It's not for him.

"I...I'm sorry but I can't return those feelings Kuroko. I love someone else." You already realized by this point that you love Aomine.

"Then, whoever that person is, I'm jealous of him."
"I'm sure you'll find her Kuroko. I'm sure."

The next days were all fine and all. You kept the promise with Aomine but there was something that scared you. It was like something bad is going to happen.

You were on a date with him and the two of you were sitting by the swings. You stroked that cat on your lap while Aomine complained on why it's so hot.

"It's so hot today!"
"*giggle* Yeah. So are you." You realized what you said and you blushed madly. Aomine smirked at this and gave you a peck on the lips.

"I didn't know that the princess is a flirt."
"I am not!"
"Hahaha! I'm just joking. Let's go?"

You were about to answer but the cat on your leg ran and with the look on its eyes, it seemed like it was asking you to go with it.


You ran across the street only to have tubes from the construction site fell on you. Aomine saw this and all he could do was cry while looking at you shocked.

"(First name)....(FIRST NAME)!!!!!!!"

It tore him apart. To see his beloved die in front of him. He quickly removed all the tubes and cradled you in his arms. You tried to speak.

"I love you... Aomine. Will you sing...that song?" He nod.

I was in the cradle of time...
Saw a fearful, cruel dream of mine...
But you calmed my song and you sang a song
Melody, melody, your lullaby for me...
Come and tell me what did you wish?
What I always wish for was this...
Gentle calming, the chosen voice...
So confused...suffering...yet laughing...and will keep on
Singing out...
Turning all the grief into happiness
Is your ending your pay cause of all the things that you did
Waiting at defeat...just to save you
Sad but it's true..
All our thoughts doesn't meet
Let me grant as I sing, circulating, peace to this world, you receive my blessing...
But I failed cause I could not
Start I convey...what we wished had been left somewhere in the grey...

"Thank you Aomine... Remember that I'll always love you... Goodbye my dear."

"NO!!" He cried and cried until he was pulled out by the nurses.

"I'm sorry! Please... Don't leave me! I've just been you... NO!!!"

"I'll be here so don't cry anymore Aomine. I don't want to see your tears. What I want to see is your usual smirk."

Please read below:
Quote: Love is something that you don't find. It's something that finds you.

He/She may have yet to be with you but trust me, our Creator has somebody in stored for us. Don't do things that you'll regret later. Be someone who's faithful. You may have difficulties with your love life now but those are just trials to prove that you two are really meant for each other. If you feel that pull, don't hesitate to do what's right.

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