Special #1: Kuroko Tetsuya - Mother's Day

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A/N: Hello everyone! So this is a chapter wherein you're a mother with KUROKO as your husband and a child (boy) named Kei. This is for Mother's Day! Enjoy minna~

It was 9 in the morning when you were woken up by a knock on the door. You were hospitalized for 2 days because of birth giving.

"Mama!" Your child, Kei, said as he hugged you tightly.

"Happy Mother's Day, Mama!" He greeted you with a smile. You grinned and thanked him. You noticed that Kuroko was not with him so you asked your child.

"Thank you Kei. Where's your papa?" You held his hand as your child answered with a smile.

"He's over there by the door bringing my gifts! Hehehehe."

"Awww. You don't have to give me anything, Kei. You and your father being here is already a gift plus your newborn sister, Saya."

"I'm going to protect her with my everything mama!" He declared. His eyes were burning with passion which made you laugh.

"That's so sweet."

The door opened and there stood Tetsuya.

"How are you (First name)?" He asked.

"Tetsu-kun. I'm fine. I was able to rest a lot." You said as he kissed your forehead. He went to your table and put the flowers they bought for you. After that, he gave you the gift they wrapped up.

"Ma! Take a look at what it is." Kei said so you opened it up and what you saw teared you up. It was the collage picture of Seirin and them during their work. You could tell that the two gave a lot of time to collect this.

"T-Thank you Kei, Tetsu. Y-You visited them all?"

"No. There were some who sent up their pictures. Look at Kagami." Indeed, Kagami was their holding a peace sign after finishing his job, it was a ridiculous face. After that, you took a look at the back and there was a drawing. It was your family. You've guessed that it was Kei who made it.

"Aww. This is so cute Kei. Thank you very much!"

"I love you mama!"

"I love you too honey. Thanks for this Tetsuya. You're the best."

"You're most welcome. Oh yeah, the doctor said that you'll be discharged now. We can go home with Saya and introduce them to everyone."


"A-Ah! Mama, he means grandma and grandpa!" Kei said as looked at his father, glaring for being such a loud mouth. Tetsuya mouthed an apology back which earned him a grin from his son.

"Really!? Mama and Papa will be there? I can't wait to see them! Let's go and get ready. Kei, would you like to help papa and me to clean up?"

"Okay!" With that, you started to pack up all your things. Of course, most of the work were done by Tetsuya and Kei since you couldn't move that much yet. You were discharged and soon, you went to the car and he drove you home. Suddenly, Kei put a blindfold on your eyes.

"Please keep it like that mama. We're going to show you an amazing sight!"

You couldn't help but giggle at the hyper activeness of your son. You agreed and let your husband drive you home. It was very peaceful. Soon, you reached your house, Kei led you there while Tetsuya opened the door for you while holding Saya.

"Congratulations and Happy Mother's Day (First name)-chan!" You were surprised to see your old team there. Even some of the other teams were there like Takao, Midorima, Kise, Aomine, Satsuki, Murasakibara, Himuro, Reo, Kotaro, Eikichi, and surprisingly, Akashi!

"Everyone! Thank you very much!" You thanked them with tears in your eyes.

"Let us see Saya (First name)." A voice said. You turned around and saw your parents.

"Ma! Pa! I missed you! Oh. Here's Saya. Everyone meet my daughter, Saya." You showed your newborn daughter. They gushed at her and were happy to get most of your traits.

"Wah! She's so cute!"

"She got your eyes, (First name)."

"She got Kuroko's hair!"

"Taiga, you're too noisy!"

"How cute. She'll grow kind and beautiful."

"I will protect her from boys!" Kei declared at his parents and pretty much everyone. You can clearly see that he'll have a sister complex with his sister. Sigh. Just like your brother. (A/N: Pretend if you don't have.)

Everyone was amused by his outburst, even your husband. You chatted with everyone as if there was no tomorrow but of course you were constantly keeping an eye for your daughter. You were surprised that Akashi was there and this was what he said.

"It's my first time to have a niece that's why I would do the same Kei would do."

"That's so out of character, Akashi." You commented.

"Well, I have a son so maybe that's why."

After the little get together, you thanked your parents for coming. You and Kuroko tucked Kei and Saya in their bed. In your room, you were sitting in the balcony with your husband, your head in his shoulder. You were so content and blessed.

"Thank you for this, Tetsu-kun. I can't believe you went through all that for me. I'm really blessed with a kind and loving family. I'm very grateful."

"I should be the one telling you that. I'm so blessed to have a beautiful wife and two loving and cute kids. Thank you for loving me, (First name)."

He kissed you passionately under the moonlight.

Such a loving husband and family.


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