Kise Ryota: Happy Birthday

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Author's Note:

It's Ki-chan's birthday today!! So let's greet him a happy birthday okay?

2nd POV

"Ki-chan! Ki-chan!" You ran towards him as you yelled. Their practice has just ended and you want to ask him if the two of you can walk home together.

"(First name)-cchi! Yo su~"
"Do you want to walk home together?"
"Ah.. Gomen su~ but I can't today because we have another photo shoot for the next month's magazine."
"Is that so?" You looked down gloomily. He noticed this so he grabbed your hand. Both of you ran out of the school.

"E-Eh!? K-Ki-chan!? Where are we going?"
"To the studio of course!"
"I want (First name)-cchi to watch me model!"
"Ki-chan... Okay!" You ran with him towards the studio. There, you were greeted along with Kise. You were amazed with how respectful they are towards you.

"So this is where you work..."
"Oh! That's right! It's (First name)-cchi' first time here."
"Hmmm. So what are you modeling for Ki-chan?"
"New clothes from Starlight Company."
"Haven't heard of them?"
"Only from my classmates. Remember? I'm not unto fashion that much."
"Ahahahahaha! I kinda forgot! Oh! There was a dress my dresser brought earlier! How about I ask my manager to let you have a picture with me?"
"E-Eh!? N-N-NO!!! I can't do that!"
"Eh? But (First name)-cchi will look good on it! Come on!" He pushed you towards the dresser room. He gave you the dress and pushed you inside the changing room.

You looked at the mirror and sure, the dress did look good on you. You quickly changed and it surprisingly, fitted you.

"Umm... Ki-chan? Is this okay?" You stepped out of the dressing room and faced Kise. When he turned around, he blushed madly but tried to hide it.

"(F-First name)-cchi... Y-You look good."

*knock knock*

"Kise-kun. It's time!"
"Hai! Let's go?"

Photo Studio

"Wow.... This is amazing..."
"Right!? Come on! I'll ask the photographer if we can have a picture together!"

He asked the photographer and said that you can but after the main photo shoot. After that, he quickly pulled you in and did some poses. The photographer was smiling throughout. When the picture was developed, you can't believe that the two of you really looked good together.

"You two really look good together."
"Hahahah! Thank you su~"

You were blushing a bit but still thanked him. You two, then, went home. While walking, you suddenly remembered that it will be his birthday tomorrow.

"Ne Ki-chan. It's your birthday tomorrow. Are you going to be busy?"
"Hmm... I'm still not sure because the manager said that we'll continue the photo shoot tomorrow for another designer."
"I see..." You forced a smile. "Do your best again okay?" He sees your gloomy face and just nods. You reached your home and you bid him goodnight.

Kise's POV

(First name)-cchi looked really sad. Maybe just for a day. I don't want to sadden her.

I decided to call my manager and asked if we can skip the shooting tomorrow. And here is her answer:

"Sorry Kise-Kun, but if we're going to delay it, your work will pile up again. Sorry again."
"Even just a day?"
"No Kise."
"Sigh... Okay. I understand su..."

2nd POV

'Ki-chan will not be able to come with me to my favorite shop to celebrate his birthday...' You sighed. You looked at clock and saw that it's still 7 in the evening.

"Wait. Maybe... Just maybe I can!" You quickly rose to your feet and went to the kitchen. You prepared the materials needed. After that, you tied your hair and wore your apron.

"Yosh! I'm going to make it this night!"

••The Next Day••


"Mm? Huh? What time is it?" You look at the clock and it says that it's still 7 (A/N: Let's just say your class starts at 8). You prepared yourself for school then you grabbed the thing you made last night.

"Wah! I'm going to be late!"

You dashed forward and reached school on time. You saw Kise and greeted him. After that, you went to cafeteria and asked if you can put it in there for the meantime.

••After Class••

"I'll be going now (First name)-cchi. Be careful on your way home okay?"
"Mm. Do your best okay?"
"Of course su~!"

When he was out, you went back to the cafeteria and grabbed that thing. You still remember where the studio is so you're very safe.

"Hmmm... How do I get inside? Back door?" You nod to yourself and entered. While walking, Kise's dresser saw you and smiled.

"Hello! You're Kise's girlfriend right?"
"A-Ah... Yes... Umm.. Is Kise inside?"
"Yes. Yes. But maybe with that, you might just want to wait in his dresser room."

After the photo shoot

"Good work Kise."
"Thank you very much."
"Kise-kun. Someone is waiting for you in the dresser room."

He quickly went to the said room and saw you inside.

"(First name)-cchi! What are you doing here?"
"Ki-chan! Hello! Since you can't come with me, I decided to come here and celebrate it with you."
"(First name)-cchi..."
"Happy Birthday Ki-chan!"
"Thanks su~!!"

You opened the box and it's a strawberry cake with a bit of lemon essence smell.

"Wai~ this looks good! Thanks (First name)-cchi!" He suddenly kissed you. It was a sweet and grateful kiss.

"Let's celebrate again next year okay?"
"Of course!"


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