Kousuke Wakamatsu: I worry about you

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You always care for the others' sake before yourself that's why when you got Kousuke as your boyfriend, he constantly, takes care of you even though he's really noisy and overreacting.

It is now lunch and time to eat some food but suddenly, you were asked by your classmates to help them with something in their homework in Math. 'Huhuhuhu~~ my croquet...chicken Tocino and fresh sautéd vegetables T^T'

They're really merciless when it comes to you especially when you help them in Math or Science. You can't bring it over because there are times where they'll ask this and that. CONTINUOUSLY.

"So what's the problem Satsumi?"
"Here! I don't get it (First name)-chan! I'm gonna die!!"
"Umm... This is just simple sequences and you only need to substitute it with the given number."
"Ah. How about you Rina?"
"You just have to...."

You instruct them with the procedures and how to answer each problem. You were so absorbed in it that you didn't notice Kousuke came until he interrupted your group.

"Sorry but I have to get her now."
"What the!? Wakamatsu-kun! We still need her!"
"No." He told them deadpan. He was keeping his cool off but with what they're doing with you, he couldn't help but worry.

"Now get your damn asses out and let her eat. Have shame on yourselves."
"K-Kousuke... It's alright really."
"No! You've been skipping lunch lately. Now go to your seat and eat. I'll be there in a minute."
"Mou... Okay. Thanks."

You quickly went to your desk and grabbed your lunch. You started eating and soon, Kousuke joined you and had lunch with you. Constantly, he would get some of your food while he trades his.

"You're really good at cooking (First name)!!"
"Hahaha! Thanks. Oh! We have to hurry. Lunch is almost over."

Class has started once again. Suddenly, you didn't feel well and is about to cough. *cough...cough...*
'Was it this cold in the classroom?' You thought as you shivered. Wakamatsu noticed this and gave you his jacket. You looked at him confused.

"Use this. You're shivering." He whispered.

After class, you were really cold so you quickly got home and rest. You didn't expect yourself to get a fever. A high one at that. Your mom already called the doctor and he suggested that you rest for a day.

••The next day••

You were at home,resting. You still feel a bit light headed and still had colds and cough. But what can you expect? Those things gone in just a night? Wrong. You felt your phone vibrate beside you and saw that it was Kousuke.

"Wait. It's lunch time. He probably went to the roof to text me. Hahaha." You read the text and it says:

"I'll visit you later idiot. I told you not to skip meals and stay late at night. Sigh... Anyways, how are you feeling? I'll bring some medicine, sweets and soup later. -Kousuke"

"He's such a worrywart. But... He's right... I don't feel that well yet. Sigh... I really hate being sick." You said groggily as you tried to sit. You're mom went out to visit your auntie for a while and get some herbal medicines for you.

It was already 5 when Kousuke came to your house. Your mom was obviously there and said that you're upstairs resting. He entered your room and saw that you were reading a novel.

"How are you feeling?"
"Kousuke... I'm fine. I just don't feel well a bit."
"Yeah right. Let me see?" He puts his forehead on yours. You tried not to blush and add to your already flushed face because of fever.

"You're fever has gotten down but you still need to rest and be absent by tomorrow. Sigh... That's why I told you not to stay late and let me guess, you've been stressing yourself out."
"Hahahah....ah.. Sorry..."
"Sigh... No need. Here. I've brought food."
"You're awfully quiet today Kousuke. Did something happen?"
"You're sick and I know that when you are, you don't need loud people around. Now get your ass here and I'll feed you."
"Hahaha. Hai~"

He fed you with the soup he brought. You asked if he's the one who made it. He nod and that would explain why the soup is a bit salty and soft. But all in all, it's still tasty.

"No worries. Now drink your medicine and sleep. I'll visit you again tomorrow."
"Thank you Kousuke, really. You're always there for me."
"I-I... Y-You know I-I'll always be." He was blushing real hard and you find it adorable. You drank your medicine and slept. Kousuke smiled at this and kissed your forehead.

He left the rest of the things he bought and sticked a note to it.

"Sleep well (First name)."

He chuckled at that and left the room.

"Thanks for letting me stay (Last name)-san."
"No need Kousuke. You're always taking care of her for me. I should be the one thanking you."
"No need. We'll then, thanks for having me."
"Okay. Come again."


Kuroko no Basket: Miracles of Light (One-Shots)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن