Midorima Shintaro: Carnival

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2nd POV

It was a nice Sunday morning when you and Midorima decided to go on a date in a carnival. You were really happy when Midorima asked you out last Friday.


"(First name)."
"Ah! Mido-kun! Why are you here?"

You were in your classroom that time and Midorima's class was next to yours. There was nothing here that he needed to be concerned of since your classmates weren't getting in trouble lately so you wondered why would he be here.

"Umm. A-Are you free this Sunday? Would you l-like to go somewhere? I-it's not like I-I'm asking you on a d-date nanodayo."

"Yeah. I'll come. Where to?"

"R-Really!? I-I mean—ahem! In a carnival near the train station."

"There is!? Wai~ It's been a long time since I've been in a carnival. I wonder if they also sell candy apples? Have you tried one, Mido-kun?"

"Not really. I really haven't had the time to taste them ever since when I was in middle school."

"Really? Then let's try some if they have, okay?"


End of Flashback

You were thinking of what to wear when you remembered the knee-length dress with leggings you bought in a bazaar months ago. It was a (F/C) short sleeve dress with white sleeves and black leggings. After you dressed, you grabbed your shoulder bag and head towards the station. Consequently, Midorima also just came so the two of you hit the road and entered the carnival. There were a lot of stalls for everyone and it was like a festival than a carnival to you. You saw something that peeked your interest while walking and that was a (favorite animal) stuff toy. You wanted to try it so you asked Midorima if you could.

"Say, Mido-kun? Can we try that one please?"

"What is it nanodayo?"

"That stall. It has a cute stuff toy as a prize. Come on!"

"Sigh. Ok."

You paid the man then shot at the can but you missed. You tried again but failed. You went already for your second try-out but you could never knock it out.

"Come on (First name), we're wasting time here."
"Eh!? Come on Mido-kun, just one more. Please! I just really want it."

"Sigh. Fine nanodayo. But I'll help you out. Here."

He positioned himself behind you and held your hand aiming for the can. Your cheeks heated up for your faces were inches apart from each other. You felt Midorima's hand covered yours and you noticed how big they were. 'His hands are bigger than mine. And it's warm... He may look cold on the outside but he's really soft and kind.' You were so engrossed in your thoughts that you didn't hear Midorima.

"Are you listening?"
"Huh? Ah! Sorry it's just—"
"Here. One, two and fire!"


"Ah! We hit it!"
"Congratulations sir! Please choose which prize you want."
"Here, sir! Thanks and come again!"

"Here (First name). You earned it."
"T-thank you. Mido-kun."

You continued your date until you spotted familiar faces in the crowd. It was Midorima's teammates. You turned around and sure, Midorima also saw them. You looked back at them again and noticed that they already spotted you especially with that smile on Takao's face.

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