Kise Ryouta: Shooting

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You are a well-known photographer in Japan and most of your works include models, nature, daily living and even random pictures that attract a lot of people. Although to you, they're just things that you see and want people to realize.

You were suddenly called by the company of Kise Ryouta, a well-known model. In your opinion, it's fine to be his photographer as long as he's not stubborn and acts childish.

"Hello. This is (Last name)(First name) speaking. May I ask who is this?"
"Hello Ms. (Last name). I'm the manager of Kise Ryouta, we want to ask you if you can be his photographer for a year."

"His photographer?"
"Yes. You see, his former photographer already retired due to old age and he suggested you to us. We've also known that you're a great photographer so please accept our offer."

"Sure. I guess I can do that."
"Really!? Thank you very much Ms. (Last name)!"
"So when will I start?"
"I see. Then expect me there at 4 in the afternoon since I also have some things to do in the morning."
"Yes. Well then, see you tomorrow Ms. (Last name)."

••The next day••

You're still a student of course, rather a working student. You are studying in Kaijo High. Even though you are famous, you mostly spend your time alone especially when it's lunch. You just stay at the rooftop and eat quietly while thinking of what else to picture. As of now, you are just sitting there watching the clouds pass by since you are already done eating. It was peaceful until you were interrupted by someone opening the door and closing it roughly.

"Hmm?" You looked at the door and saw the model panting.
"Y-Yo *huff...huff..*"
"What are you doing here?"
"What are YOU doing here?"
"A-Ah... Well I ran into some of and I'm running away from them."
"I'm Kise Ryouta though you probably know it by now."
"Hmm.. (Last name)(First name)."
"So (Last name)-san, what are you doing here?"
"Nothing. Just sitting here and having lunch though I'm done."
"I see."
"Hmm? It's almost time. You better go back to your classroom now Ryouta. Bye."
"A-Ah... Wait (Last name)!" He called but you already left.

••After class••
"Okay... Time to go to that studio."
You quickly went to the said studio and saw the manager who called you yesterday.

"Good day."
"Ah! (Last name)-san. It's nice to finally meet you. Please come with me."
"Kise-kun. The new photographer is here."
"Really su~!?"
"Yes. Meet (Last name)(First name)."
"(Last name)-san!?"
"Hello Ryouta."
"W-What are you doing here?"
"....I'm your new photographer."

You started walking towards the studio and prepared the camera. Their camera is a new standard one. You quickly adjusted it to your liking and the photoshoot started. You were very different when you're capturing images and it amazed Kise. He even saw you smile even though it's not noticeable.

'She should show more emotions.'

"May I see su~?"
"Hmm.. Here."
"Wai~ these are some good shots (Last name)-cchi!"
"(Last name)-cchi? What the hell."
"I add chi to people I respect and you earned it (Last name)-cchi."
"Please stop. Just call me (First name). I hate formalities."
"Okay (First name)-cchi!"
"Never mind. I guess you will not stop adding that chi anyway. Sigh.."

After that, you went home and had a nice sleep after eating dinner of course. This continued for the past 5 months and you're now enjoying his presence even though he's very annoying at times.

"(First name)-cchi! Are you going home now?"
"Hmm? Mm."
"Then I'll accompany you!"
"Let's stop by the convenience store ne~?"
"Fine by me."
"Then let's go!"

With that, he dragged you towards the convenience store. You can't help but smile a bit with his childishness. You grabbed yourselves some ice cream. While walking down towards your house, Kise asked you something.

"(First name)-cchi?"
"Can we go to the amusement park tomorrow?"
"Hmm? Amusement park?"
"Hmm! I want to try their new rides! Can you go with me?"
"Are you asking me out Ryouta?"
"Hehehe. Yup! Can we?"
"Hmm... I guess I can."
"Yay! A day with (First name)-cchi tomorrow!"
"Let's meet at the train station."
"Okay! See you tomorrow (First name)-cchi!"

••The next day••
You woke up and dressed nicely. Your clothing consists of a plain white sundress, blue short sleeve jacket, blue flats and a simple shoulder bag.

You looked at the time and saw that it's 8:30. You were supposed to meet him at the station 30 minutes from now so you quickly exited your home and went to the station. You were spotted by the blondie one.

"(First name)-cchi!" You didn't noticed him because he was wearing eye contacts and a hat.

"Is that you Ryouta?"
"Mm! I have to cover up so that it will not ruin the day! Shall we go?"

Once you were in the amusement park, you tried the Vikings first. Kise was having so much fun and you may not want to admit it to yourself but you did enjoy it. Then after that, you went to the roller coaster.

"Umm... This?"
"Hai su~ Don't tell me you're scared?"
"N-No I'm not!" You suddenly raised your voice. He noticed this and chuckled a bit. He held your hand and said.

"Don't worry (First name)-cchi! I'll be beside you!"
"Promise! So let's go!"

The ride was very scary and all but you managed to stay calm because of Kise. After that, you went to grab some snacks for replenishment. You had a very great time with him. This was the first after years of being alone. Might I say that you've been alone since you were 10. Your other family members agreed to let you live by yourself.

What you didn't expect was that something bad will happen.

You were looking at your phone for the time when you suddenly heard a commotion outside. You went out to know what's the uproar all about.

"That part of the Ferris wheel is loose and I fear that it will fall."
You looked up and saw that the bolt was loosen. Suddenly it fell and you saw that there was a kid running below it.


You quickly ran and saved him. Kise just went out of the restaurant and saw what happened. You were safe and it relieved him. He ran to you and asked questions but you ignored him as you face the kid who's crying.

"Are you alright kid?"
"*sniff..sniff..* T-Thanks big sister! Wah!!"
"There there. Don't cry. You're safe now." You smiled a bit as you hugged the kid. The ambulance came and took the child to safety. Kise grabbed your hand and asked you again.

"Are you alright!? Is there somewhere in here that hurts!? Do you have any injuries!?"
"Calm down Ryouta. I'm fine."
"That was very reckless of you! What if you die!?"
"I... That child remind me of myself before my parents died."
"Still. That was very reckless!" You have never seen him this angry before. You bowed down in shame and apologized.

"Gomen. I will be careful next time." He saw this and smiled a bit then he hugged you tight. You couldn't help but tear up a bit. He noticed this and let you cry for minutes. He knew that you were scared since you were shaking a bit so he comforted you.

"Thanks Ryouta."
"Next time don't be so reckless (First name)."

He surprised you with a kiss and asked if you could be his girlfriend. You nod and he kisses you again.


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