Chapter 4: Trouble Starts With A "T"

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I didn't bother going to breakfast with John and everyone. I knew that for sure there would be silence because if John would say something it would set me out again. Even John knew that.

So instead I took another shower. I honestly don't know why. I think to just waste time. Once I got out I pulled out a pair of skinny jeans and a nude colored top with a black band at the waist. I put that on with a pair of L.A.M.B. Vogul Natural Leather heels that matched the top. I added my favorite red bag and then a feather and flower doll skin headband.

I loved accessories so I put on a red big beaded bracelet on my left wrist and a red ring on my ring finger on my right hand. I smiled at my outfit I had put together and then I went into the bathroom and did my make-up. My make-up wasn't much. All it was was eyeliner mascara and bright red lipstick to match my accessories and give the outfit a 'pop'.

Once that was all done I grabbed my Marc Jacobs sunglasses and walked out of my room. Luckily breakfast was over and John had left for work. I smiled when Sarah came up to me.

"Anya are you hungry?" She asked. I shook my head.

"No thanks Sarah." I told her. She smiled weakly.

"Okay well Toby is going to drive you to school. Make sure to go to the main office of the academy." She informed me. I nodded.

"Thanks Sarah. I'll see you later." I waved her good-bye and walked out the front door. In the driveway was a blue charger. I smiled. I loved chargers. I could see Toby's figure in the front seat so I walked over to the car and opened the passenger door and sat down closing the door behind me.

"Okay geez I thought you'd never be done." he said starting the engine.

"Well I'm done. Nice car." I told him.

"Thanks." That was all he said as he sped off towards school.


"Hey Anya we're here." I turned my head to the front window and noticed the big building in front of us.

"Alright." I unbuckled my seat belt and stepped out of the car looking at the old building. It was all brick and at the top was a bell instead of an alarm inside of the school the bell was outside so it rang outside and in. "So where's the main office?" I asked turning to Toby.

"First room on your left when you walk in the main entrance." Toby said pointing to the doors at the front of the school.

"Okay thanks. I'll see you later." Toby nodded and walked off to a group of his friends. I put my purse on my shoulder and started towards the building. A few shh's went through crowds as I walked by. Of course that was going to happen. It always happens with the new kid. I frowned, but kept walking until I was in the main office. At the desk there was a guy around 20 I think? I smiled and pulled my sunglasses off swishing my hair side to side then I walked up to him. He looked up and smiled.

"And who do we have here?" He asked.

"I'm Anya." I said smiling back to him. "I'm new."

"Gotcha. Last name?" He asked.

"Anastasia Wellington."I told him. He nodded and wheeled his chair over to a filing cabinet. I waited a few minutes until he turned back around with a folder.

"I have you here, but for the school's record you're under Kelsie." I frowned as he opened the folder.

"Oh course he would do that." I muttered to myself.

"Ok here's your schedule. Just come at the end of the day." He said handing me a paper.

"You really need the map back? I questioned. He chuckled.

"No I just wanted to see you again." That made my smile reappear.

"The name is Parker." He said holding his hand out. I shook it.

"I'll see you later than." I replied. He smirked and I walked out of the office holding up my map.

Room #23.

I thought to myself than found it on the map. Just down the hall. That would be good. Since I didn't feel like being late on my first day I started towards the class.

When I got into homeroom I was happy to see that I wasn't the only person here this early. I sat down next to this blonde haired girl. She had a sweet appearance.

"Hi I'm Jess." I turned to her and smiled.

"I'm Anya." I said back. She nodded.

"Pretty name."


"No problem. So I'm guessing you’re new?" I nodded. "Thought so. Nobody ever comes to class this early other than me and a few others." I laughed.

"I see that." I said motioning around the room. Jess laughed.

"Yeah I guess you do." The bell rang and people started to pour into the room. It was like the whole hallway waked into the same classroom. There weren't even enough chairs for everyone. Stupid homerooms. We didn't need them.

"Alright settle down so I can call names." There was a plump little lady with red hair. She didn't look old or young. She was in the middle. Her hair threw you off.

"Ashley Adams..." She started naming off names. Her voice was croaky like a little frog. Croak, croak, and croak.

"Anastasia Kelsie."

"Croak." My hand shot to my mouth in awe. That one wasn't supposed to happen. All the kids burst out laughing.

"Alright we have a wise-cracker. On your first day and not already 10 minutes into class."

"Technically this isn't even a class."

"Principal's office."I groaned and walked out of the door.

Today was going to suck. I could just feel it.


When I walked back into the main office I saw Parker smirk.

"Couldn't stay away from?" He asked. I smiled.

"I'm not here to see you. I'm here to see the principal." I said looking towards the door to the principal's office. Parker made an 'O' shape with his mouth.

"Anya, Anya, Anya. Man only a few minutes and you’re already meeting the principal." Just then the door opened. I looked over to see...

John? What?

"Anya." He said sternly. I gulped. John stepped aside so I could walk into his office. I followed him into the office and closed the door behind me.

"What did you do?" He asked. I had a weak smile on my face.

"I kind of said that the teacher croaked out loud then made a little comment on how homeroom wasn't really a class." I said fast and altogether. John looked up at me then back down to a few papers.

"What was the teacher’s name?" He asked me.

"You should know my schedule. I was only in there for a few minutes." John frowned.

"Anya." He scolded.

"This really isn't about the teacher is it? It's about me stopping my attitude isn't it?" John didn't answer. "Fine well I'm leaving." I said getting up.

"Sit down now Anya." John ordered me. I slowly sat back down into the seat.

"Now you're not going to talk to me like that." he started. "Next you're going to stop bad mouthing your teachers as well." I rolled my eyes at him. "Lastly you're going to stop talking to Parker." He said to me.

"Sure." I said getting up and opening the door.

"Anya I mean it." I slammed the office door and walked out of the main office.

"Whatever." I muttered behind me.

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