Delsin and...Starfire?

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"Im tired of you always treating me like I'm weak! I'm not weak! I'm a conduit! I don't need you to look out for me!" Delsin said. "Well maybe I didn't have to look out for you if you fought better!" Raven said. "Well sorry if I am too weak to date you. So let me make this easier for you. I need a break from us!" Delsin said walking away from Raven's room. "Fine! Let's break up! See if I needed you anyway!" Raven said slamming her door.
Delsin ran into his room and sat on his bed with tears in his eyes. "Why does she keep treating me like I'm a kid. IM NOT A KID!!" Delsin said as he punched the wall. Suddenly there was a knock on his Delsin's door. "Go away!" Delsin said. The door opened to see a pink headed alien orange skinned girl floating in the room. "Friend Delsin, what's wrong? I heard you and Friend Raven have the fight" Starfire said. "We broke up, Starfire" Delsin said wiping his eyes. "What happened?". "She keeps treating me like a child. I'm a conduit. I don't need protection. Maybe this break up was for the best" Delsin said. "Maybe. Me and Robin are having the troubles too. I'm thinking about breaking up with him as well. I just wanted a guy who will treat like I'm his princess" Starfire said. "And I wanted a girl who would let me take care of her and not treat me horribly" Delsin said. "Well, I never thought you were weak Friend Delsin. You seem like a strong man" Starfire leaned in. "And I always thought of you as a Princess, Starfire" Delsin said kissing Starfire. Secretly, they didn't know they are being watched by Jealous demon. "I was too late. Goodbye Delsin". Raven said as she ran back to her room.

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