Love is a Battlefield

Start from the beginning

Caitlin, who I've never been very close to, came right up to me and smiled, "Hey!"

"Hi.." I said a little unsure. Everyone in Your Prince was looking at us, Declan with his arms crossed. So were Roman, Noelle, and weirdly enough, Niall. She held out her second starbucks cup for me. 

"I got you some." She said sweetly.

"Thanks.." I took the cup, eyeing it, "I don't mean to be rude, but why?"

"Because she feels bad." Niall spoke up. Everyone backstage turned to look at him. Feels bad for what? I looked to Roman, who looked like he felt bad, as well. What am I missing? Caitlin turned around to face Niall, both cups in her hands. Her sweetness faded with a roll of her eyes. 

"The only thing I feel bad for is the fact that next week I'll be performing and she'll be back in New York watching it." Everyone made an oooing noise. I scoffed and Declan started cracking up. I walked right around Caitlin, completely ignoring her and her coffee. With my confidence high, I walked right up to him. Instantely, Declan shut up. By now, cameras were recording everything.

"What's going on?" In my head, I begged him to prove my hunch wrong. I thought I knew what was going on, I wanted to hear it from him. 

"Nothing, sweetheart." He smiled, cheekily.

"You know, you've got a lot of nerve coming over here after last night." Aaron said to me. One look at him sent me into shivers. I rolled my eyes and started to turn around but I was stopped by a hand.

"Let go of me." I told Aaron, shakily. His hand was wrapped around my wrist, tight enough to cause my fingers to tingle. 

I didn't even know what hit me, literally. I heard gasps from the people around us and I was on the floor, my wrist throbbing and the side of my face stinging. Then I felt another blow. My vision was blurring.

>Roman's POV<

My mind was ahead of my body. I heard Aaron's hand come in contact with Delilah's face and she was falling backwards. It took me a couple seconds to take it in and then both Louis and I were trying to get Aaron off of Delilah. He punched her in the side of the face and I swear I saw her eyes roll back into her head. I punched him in the gut, causing him to fall backwards. Louis and a couple security pulled Aaron off and held him. Niall was pulling me away from Aaron. Delilah sat up a little, relieveing me of a little bit of my worry. Megan sat beside her, rubbing her back.

"What the hell is happening?!" She yelled. "And what was all the fighting about yesterday too? Tell me what's going on?!" She yelled at me and Declan. I had never seen her this upset, I knew her singing voice was poweful but her screaming voice literally scared me. Yesterday, thankfully, she hadn't asked any questions, but what do I do know? Lie or tell her the truth. I caught Declan's eye and we stared at each other. I could almost hear his pleas in his head for me to not tell her the truth.

"Unlike you, I actually love her. So I'm telling her the truth." Declan started laughing again. It wasn't even funny, why was he laughing? It was almost like a mock laugh, a laugh with a little bit of something else behind it. 

"That's fucking hilarious! You should hear the secret she's kept from you! From all of you!" He yelled. My eyes landed on Delilah who was staring at Declan, fear in her eyes. What was she keeping.

"You really want to know, Delilah? My secret gets out and yours does too." A tear trailed down her cheek. Megan looked between me and Delilan and Declan. 

"Delilah.. What's he talking about?" I asked her, completely aware of the crowd of people all watching this. As I was watching Delilah, out of the corner of my eye, I saw Louis leave Aaron in the securities hands and walk up behind Declan. He put his arm on Declan's shoulder and started talking very fast into his ear, so no one else could hear.

Hey There Delilah (Sequel to Not The Same)Where stories live. Discover now