Music started to play..

"Hello, ladies and gentlemen,.."

The crowd cheered in excitement..

"Yes, whoo indeed, are you ready for the most non-professional panel you've ever been to in your life?"

Mark's deep voice echoed through the room..

It wasn't the thousands of people there that was making him

"Well, introducing..all the way from Dublin Ohio..right? Yeah, Dublin Ohio...BOOOOOOOOB!"

Bob ran onto the stage, waving and smiling to everyone..

"And introducing.." Mark's voice continued.. " Straight from...where?..Milfred Ohio..the tall goofy guy..the thunder from up under..WAAADDDDE!!"

Wade joined his friend on stage, hugging him tight.

"And finally...last, but maybe not least, definitely not the shortest of the bunch by a huge margin..the greatest man to ever to do a VO in the most not correct way ever, with his hands cupped over his mouth...MEEEEEE!!"

Mark waddled onto the stage, joining his two best friends, high fiving them with his forehead. He didn't exactly know what he was doing..but he was trying to be funny to distract himself from the sickening nervousness that was bubbling inside his gut...because now he had to introduce the last member of the group..and he hoped that Jack was still Jack...and this wouldn't be too awkward. He hadn't seen him all day...Felix said he wasn't in the mood for sushi...Mark figured he just wasn't in the mood for anything...he was terrified..but he couldn't understand why..

"And, wait..we might have one more person joining us today..straight from Dublin Ireland...No? Oh...straight from somewhere in Ireland..where there's more sheep than there are people.........Jacksepticeeeeyyyyyyye!"

It took a little bit of courage to get his name out...

Jack ran onto stage, pausing to dance, then high fiving his friends Bob and Wade, but turned around when Mark tried to five him with his face...and took his place other the other side of the stage, farthest from Mark.

Together again...

Jack thought he might throw up...

Mark thought he might pass out...

But they continued like it was nothing..



They waved.

"There is a lot of people here.."

"Well, welcome to the first year anniversary of the panel for Markiplier and friends.."

The group of men started the panel, goofing around and looking up at themselves in the camera, Mark wondering why his name was not above him on the screen. The night was going to consist of a Q&A...while also answering tweets with the hashtag..#Peehype. Although, the fears began to wash away as the crowd cheered for their goofiness, and Mark's gross thing he does with his feet.

Mark began to answer questions..passing the question then onto his friends. Some were general..some were funny, and some of them personal..

Jack was doing a lot better than he thought he would...but he stayed quiet through most of the short and unsure answers..keeping his distance, keeping the attention off of his obvious uncomfortableness..

"What are your favorite things about each other?"

A round of laughter was shared as each of them answered this question..saying that they loved to act stupid around each other and their friendship has always been the same...Wade started the motion as he laid his head on Bob's shoulder, then Jack scooted in, joining the sudden hug. All three men then stared at Mark, waiting for him to join.

Markiplier x Jacksepticeye ~Like Putty~Where stories live. Discover now