Don't forget...Okay..?

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WARNING!! Prepare yourselves for this one...


*A Few Hours Later, Mark's POV*

Jack and Mark's team won the fifth time in a row and Jack was slowly getting bored of the game. Sure, it was a fun game, but got boring after so long. "Mark, as much fun as this is, can we go to the living room and cuddle or something? I don' wanna sit up anymore." Jack asked. Mark smirked and quickly picked Jack up bridal style. "God dammit, Mark! I can walk!" The Irishman exclaimed.

"I know, but not right now." Mark said as he slowly carries Jack to his room.

"Why?" Jack asked.

"Well, because I'm carrying you." Mark said in a matter-of-fact tone of voice. A few seconds is later, he threw Jack down onto his bed. Mark got on the bed with Jack and wrapped his arms around the younger man.

"Babe?...." Jack asked quietly.

"Yes, Sean?"

"Do you think we should get some packing done today?"

"It's getting somewhat late, so let's just start tomorrow."


"Or do you want to start now? If you want to, we can separate things into piles so I could start packing while you make and edit some videos in the morning."

"I could always do that in the morning if you sleep in again."

"If you wish." Mark said. Jack slowly rolled over to look at Mark.

"You'll be coming with me to drop things off at my parents' house, right?" Jack asked carefully.

"Of course babe......why?" Mark asked looking confused.

"'Cos if ya do, you'll meet my parents and possibly my siblings." Jack explained. The thought of meeting Jack's parents, somewhat scared the American. His heart began to race, but he tried to hide how scared he felt.

"O-Okay." Mark stuttered. He silently cursed himself for stuttering.

"Are you okay?" Jack asked concerned.

"Wh-What if they don't like me?" Mark asked, that was the first thing that came to mind.

"Mark, there's nothing to worry about. They'll love you. My sister told me that in our coming out video, I look happier than she's ever seen me. They jus' want me ta be happy." Jack said trying to reassure his boyfriend. Mark slowed his racing by thinking positively.

'They just want him to be happy. It will be okay. Everything is going to be good. Everything will fall into place eventually.' Mark thought. "Okay, I'll go with." Mark said softly.

"If it helps, my mom called ya handsome." Jack said, hoping that would help Mark stay calm. Mark smiled and kissed Jack as his phone went off for the first time in half an hour. All the hype from the video had calmed down a little bit.

Mark sighed and rolled to grab his phone. He knew it would be some kind of social media since his phone only worked if it were connected to internet and that meant he couldn't receive texts or calls. It was his Facebook page. Both his page and Jack's page were tagged in a post. The post was their video being shared. He carefully read through before sitting up and looking at Jack in shock.

"What is it now?" Jack asked emotionless.

"Listen to this. A young girl shared our video and said this: 'I'm sharing this video because it's given me the strength to want to open up to everyone about something I've hidden for the past seven years. Most of you guys know Markiplier and Jacksepticeye as crazy guys I watch on YouTube, but to me, they are my heroes. I always kinda hoped they'd end up together, but knew I may never know if it did since they both keep that kind of personal stuff, personal and not tell the world. When I was 8, I realized I wasn't like most girls. I never really thought of a guy as anything but family or a friend. A little later on, maybe four years, I was dared to kiss a girl and realized I liked girls. I hid the truth, afraid of what people would think. Then I watched this video and I realized that if these grown men can openly say they are in a relationship and not care what people say and even kiss on camera, I can finally come out. Here I am, 19, doing something I didn't think I ever could. If you don't support me, I don't care. At least I have Mark and Jack on my side, even if they don't know me and probably don't know I exist. If you watched them as well and "can't support them anymore", then you never truly supported them as a viewer and as they said you don't belong in this community they've built up. To the haters, just leave them alone. They don't care what you think and neither do I.'"

" mean ta tell me, one of our viewers came out because of us?" Jack asked shocked.

"That's what I understand was being said." Mark explained with a smile and put his phone down. Jack smiled and grabbed the older man by his hoodie and pulled him on top of himself. The younger man smirked at the American now lying right on top of him.

"I like the thought of me being on bottom fer once." Jack said seductively with a smirk.

"You could have the first time, but you chose not to." Mark said blushing.

"I'll make ye as sore I was, one day." Jack promised. Mark started to realize he was getting turned on and softly kissed Jack.

"Sean, if we are not going to do anything tonight, please don't tease me. I don't feel like having blue balls." Mark said seriously.

"Okay!" Jack exclaimed and rolled so he was now on top of Mark before standing up. He smirked and walked out of the room.

"Fucking tease!" Mark called after the Irishman.

"Ye know ye love it! Now, come help me sort my things!" Jack yelled back to him. Mark grunted before getting up.. and walking to find Jack.

Markiplier x Jacksepticeye ~Like Putty~Where stories live. Discover now