If you're reading this-

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Why hello there, long time no see. It's me, author-chan from the future. XD

I randomly had a feeling to read this story again. And quite honestly it was a struggle to get through most of it. This was written in 2015. So long ago it seems. I cringed so hard reading my own writing..where my head was as a teenager in high-school..was apparently a very gay place.

I can't tell you how many times I laughed out loud reading your comments along with the story. However some of them did hurt my feelings a bit, my grammar was not the greatest, I get it, but I was 16 leave me alone. And yes, at the time I didn't know people in the UK don't have mailboxes. And I swear you guys need to understand that this was written based on who Mark and Jack were in 2015. Mark and Amy weren't together then. Neither was Jack and his new girlfriend. This is not set in the present lol.

Anyway, I know this story is super cringe, but it had its moments. It made me remember the kind of writter I used to be, and realize how far I've come. I still watch Markiplier and Jacksepticeye to this day. I love them dearly.

I hope you guys enjoyed this little fanfic full of inappropriate and cringey smut of my two favorite youtubers XD I still write from time to time...maybe, septiplier one shots? Or other stuff? I promise my writing has improved.

Leave me a comment if you'd like some more stories. Thank you for reading this fanfic.


Markiplier x Jacksepticeye ~Like Putty~Where stories live. Discover now