Chapter 16: Welcome to the Jungle (Part 1)

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It feels good to tell someone. I didn't realize how worried I'd been until I told him.

He leans back against the couch, and for the first time he is silent. He stares blankly into space, as though in a daze himself. I watch the ticking clock on the wall instead. Wondering what he'll say. Nearly 5 minutes pass before I hear him speak again.

"You have to break up with her."

The words hit me like a ton of bricks. I know it's the right thing to do. In fact, the idea's been in my mind for quite some time now. I didn't even realize it.

Break up with Clarissa.

He stares at me, and I forget how rare his serious moments are. "You can't leave until you find them their last crystal, but you can bet they're frantically searching for it with this new threat. They only need you to get the crystals, and if you look at it, you're over the halfway point. The brown one's located, and you start looking tomorrow. That leaves one left. Then we can leave. We don't even have to worry too much about school; they'll transfer our records to wherever we end up.

I sigh, and stare at the wall for what seems like hours.

"I know it's the right thing to do, breaking up with her," I say. Even the words hurt. "After all, it's not like I can tell her. I don't know how she'd react. Telling you is one thing, because you understand... she's human."

But what if she did understand? She did say back when I first met her she was interested in dragons. She'd done an essay on creatures existing, right? But even if she accepted me for what I was, she'd still be in danger.

That wouldn't be right.

Borgos gives me a tentative smile, "You'll meet other girls. Once this contract is over, we'll make a new start. We get better and better at concealing ourselves every time we leave. One day we'll find some remote area where we can stay."

I nod. It's all I can do. I feel numb.

Borgos pats me on the back, and we sit in silence for a while. I know he's right, even if I don't want to accept it. I've been in a volcano, under the sea, fought monsters I never knew existed. Yet this feels like my biggest challenge yet.

I hear Borgos move, and pull something out from one of the compartments in the table we have. He suggests we play checkers like we used to. We played it a lot to pass the time as kids. But it doesn't completely take my mind off Clarissa. Will she be sad when I tell her? Will she miss me when I'm gone? I sigh. I've never really had a girlfriend, let alone a friend really. I know I'll never forget her. How could I?

In the distance, I hear someone's alarm clock ringing a few doors down. It's 10pm now. And with each beep, it cuts a little deeper into my conscience. By the time the owner turns the thing off, the fog in my brain has been scraped away completely, leaving emotions to wiggle free. Tired, angry, longing, sadness... until I begin for the first time in my life to feel the first pang of heartache.

It's at this moment I realize just how much I'm going to miss her.


The door creaks as I shut and lock it. After finishing my homework I decided to go for a walk, and now it's nearly 8pm. I figure this is the perfect time to walk and be alone with my thoughts, since most people have resigned to the comfort of their houses and therefore the nearby park is often devoid of people. I've almost reached the door leading outside when I pause, and decide to ask Ace if he'd like to join me. So instead of going straight I make a left and walk down to Ace and Borgos' dorm.

I still can't understand how Damian got that recording, or why he sent it to me. It's okay though. I'll ask Ace about it as we walk. I'm sure the "mission" thing is just what they call the assignments they give him. Whoever they are. The one thing that's really eating at me though is what Ace is "stuck like." Maybe Ace got hurt, and that's why Damian called him a monster. I hope he's okay. But whatever the reason, I feel we need to have a talk. Normally I wouldn't pry, Ace told me himself he can't tell me much about his job, but something about that voice recording scares me...

I'm worried about him.

I've reached their door by now and have raised my fist to knock when I hear something that makes my heart freeze.

"You have to break up with her."

It's Borgos talking. I thought he liked me. Why would he want Ace to break up with me? Ace wouldn't do that though, right? I mean, we're happy together, especially with an explanation for his odd behaviour...

Then I hear Ace's voice drift through the door.

"I know it's the right thing to do, breaking up with her. After all, it's not like I can tell her. I don't know how she'd react. Telling you is one thing, because you understand, but her... she's human."

My raised fist drops to my side, limp, the knocking forgotten. I didn't understand, I thought our relationship was going better than ever since he told me about his "job." Why would he break up with me now of all times?

"You'll meet other girls. Once this contract is over, we'll make a new start. We get better and better at concealing ourselves every time we leave. One day we'll find some remote area where we can stay."

They were moving too?

I stand there for longer than I probably should have, listening. I can hear my heart racing, but other than that, the hallway is eerily silent.

He's going to break up with me...

It's an awful thought. One I can't even comprehend. Have I done something wrong? What wouldn't I understand? Maybe if he'd just tell me what it is, I could help him...

More time passes than I'm aware, but I'm not really listening anymore at this point. I'm startled when I arrive back in my room, my walk long forgotten. I don't want him to give up on us, to move away... Even if we break up, we've become so close, we're friends now. Even Borgos, I know I heard him suggest Ace end things with me, but it was probably just advice. He has Ace's best interest in mind, they're best friends... But the thought of them moving away forever?

I stare around the room in a daze, letting my eyes wander over the various pieces of art work proudly mounted on my walls. I follow the vines of a particular painting featuring various plants I did a few years ago and my gaze rests on my computer.

Before my mind has really begun to process what I'm doing, my fingers are flying over the keys as I type Damian's name into the address bar of my e-mail...

Code Name: Draconis [Ace Draconis - ON HOLD; see my updated profile for info!]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon