Chapter 44

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Chapter 44


Reika’s POV

“And sign these papers, too.” Chesca handed out more papers to her. “Then after that, you have to talk to the creative group for the status of their new project. The new equipment for the technicals has just arrived, too.”

“Okay, I’m on it and good.” Reika got the papers and signed them one by one. “Put their team leader on line then just set a video call for that. It’s 8am in New York now, right?”

“Yes, Ma’am. They’re actually waiting for you right now.”

“Okay. Then set me up.”

Reika massaged her forehead. She had been busy with work for a few weeks now. She was also moving from one country to another and she hardly got any decent sleep. Right now, she was in London. Well, she was kind of thankful for it because she needed the distraction. But then, it was definitely stressful.

“And Ma’am, the Italian branch manager has just arrived.”

“Tell him I’ll meet him as soon as I finish this video call.” She faced her laptop.

She wondered if she could stay alive after that day. The queue line just keeps getting longer and the day was far from over.


At 7 in the evening, Reika felt like just crashing into her bed. All her appointments and meetings were done for the day but she had some documents left to read. She was debating whether to just bring it at her penthouse or stay overnight at the office when her personal phone rang. She was surprised to see it was Donghae. She answered it.

“Reika-chan! How’s London? Did you take a picture at the Eiffel Tower?”

“That’s in Paris.”

“Oh yeah. I know.” He laughed. She rolled her eyes though he can’t see it. “Working hours is over?”

“Almost. How about you? Isn’t it like 4am in there now in Seoul?”

“I’m at the gym. Siwonnie, Hyukkie and I are about to do some jogging. We need to keep fit for the concert.”

“I see. So how are the preparations going? It’s on three days, right?”

“Yep. We’re doing great. Just polishing some things but almost perfect. We’re still nervous though.”

“Nervous? Oh come on.”

“It’s true. But if you’re there, I know I can give my best performance. You’re going to make it, right?”

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