Chapter Eighteen :"So The Lion Fell In Love With The Lamb"

Start from the beginning

"I don't know" i lied and shrugged . "Something about a lamb...and Twilight ? " and i stumbled over to the fridge . 

"Stop lying Collins , you know i can tell when your lying and when your not!" he slammed the fridge door shut again as i tried to open it . 

"Nothing Jason , just let me eat!" i wined and i pulled harshly at the handle as he held his hand firm on the door . 

"Not until you tell me" he groaned behind gritted teeth . I continued to struggle on the door when i gave in . 

"Fine fine , fine" i huffed as i turned around to him . He kept his hand still firm on the fridge door so he pinned me to it . 

"Go on then" he naturally smiled as he added a light kiss to my neck . I flet myself start to shake under his lock . 

"Urm , Freddi just ... he urm , he thinks that ... he thinks it's wrong for me to ... to be with you" i muttered slowly . 

He leaned off from the fridge and ran his fingers through the front of his hair . About a minute went passed when Jason took a deep breath in . "He'll have to deal with it..." he smirked up to me and licked his lips , moistening them , making them glisten in the light . It wasn't like him to just let a thing like that slip so easily . 

"Jason?" i smirked back , a smile slowly forming on my lips . "Are you .... going .. soft?" i grinned and wiggled my eyebrows . 

"What ? Me ? Soft ? Ew ! No !" he squinted and shot down his eyes to the floor . 

"I think you are" i sang in a giggle as i made my fingers walk seductively up his chest . 

He let out a shot of laughter "Hands down!" he chuckles "I'm not!" and he wrapped his arms around my waist . 

"It's not such a bad thing being soft Jason" i whispered up to him and i stroked his jawline softly . 

"I'm only soft on you and i'm not scared of him taking you off me . I know he's too much of a pussy to do that" he smirked as he grabbed me tighter around the waist . I smiled as i looked down to the floor . 

We were both silent for a minute when a radom thought buzzed through my brain . "Jason?" i smirked . 

"Ash?" he smiled down to me as he took his head off of the top of mine . 

"How many girls have you urr ..... you know...??" i knotted my lips to the side of my mouth and arched my eyebrows . 

"Oh" he smirked "Lost count" he burst out laughing , however , i didn't find it funny at all . I tilted my head back in shock and folded my arms across my chest , removing them from his neck . His laughing dropped down as he caught my eyes . "None of them compare to you Ashton..." he instantly shut quiet as he spoke my real name . 

I laughed softly "It's ok  , i don't mind you can call me Ashton now" i smiled up to him as he twisted a lock of my hair around his finger . 

"Can i now?" he teased in a grin as he pulled his finger down , untangling my hair from his lock and it fell in a loose curl . I looked up to him and nodded staring at damp , attractive lips . "Why's that?" he whispered softly , close to my ear as he tenderly bit my earlobe . 

"Because i lo-" 

"Jason ! The News!" Freddi yelled over the sofa just as i was about to confess , something i know i'm sure of now , something i need to tell him before i loose my rag and scream it at him . I love him.   And it's not something i'v come to terms with yet , nor has it fully sank in yet , that some guy i met , waking up in the middle of a field would be the one i totally fell in deep love with . 

We both dashed over to the couch and stared in caution at the T.V . A middle ages women was sat up a desk in a fresh , posh suite , her hair choppy and cropped . 

"A couple of weeks back , South High  High School was bombed unexpectedly by a 19 year old boy named Jason McCan , known and feared by the whole city" . I looked over to Jason , my heart jumping down to my stomach as he smirked to himself . I felt my stomach tie in a tight knot as i stared at his lack of concern riddled across his face . "The teen was recently spotted at a public night club last night , strangely accompanied by a teenage girl . Investigators tell us he was also spotted by a large gang , possibly connected to his brother : Charlie McCan , who has also been spotted round the city lately" .  


"Shhh" he pointed his finger up to my lips as he stared intensely at the screen . I huffed heavily as i shoved his finger away . 

"Fourtunatelty the CIA , FBI and police department are on the look out for this cold blooded killer : Jason McCan" she carried on as my mouth dropped and i looked over to Jason in shock . 

"Cold blooded killer hey?" Jason laughed as he slouched back on the sofa . 

"Jason ! That's not a thing to laugh about ! Your going to get found out sooner or later!" i screamed as i slapped his hard , muscular arm that was leaned over the back of the couch . 

"Oh relax babe , nothings going to happen to us , promise" and he lightly kissed my cheek . I huffed to myself once more , folding my arms over my front . 

"We have more news on the unidentified girl , spotted with Jason the man himself . A man and a women have called in just now , saying they are the parents of the young teen , let's get them on the line now" i shot up from my seat , my breath taken away by shock . "Please that is our daughter!" i heard my mom pleading through the muffled sound of the phone line . "If any of you see her , her name is Ashton Raye Collins and we need her home straight away , we are very worried and do not want her hanging around with 'Jack Bennit' any longer" she added a sarcastic tone to her voice and i snapped around to look at Jason who was already at the edge of his seat , with his hand smacked over his lips . 

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