Chapter 45

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It's the Wednesday morning after our Ilo-ilo mini vacation.

I rolled over to the bed and unconsciously reached for my fiancé but found it empty. My eyes fluttered open slightly, with the hopes na makikita ko ang mga mata niya looking back at me.

I raised my head a little at the clock on the bedside table, 05:30 AM, felt disappointed. He must've gone to training now.

The best way to start a morning pa naman was to wake up with him beside me, but guess, not today.

I prepared to roll over and got back to sleep when I heard sounds from the bathroom. Andito pa nga siguro siya.

'Kief?' I called out softly. He must've heard me and began to quickly walk out the bathroom, but not before stubbing his toe horribly on the door jam.

'Ouch!' He cried and touches his toe. I sat straight in bed, worried about him.

'You okay?' I exclaimed, getting more awake and concerned.

'Yah.' He said, hiding the throbbing pain.

'Just had to go to the bathroom. Di ako attend ng training today.' He laughed.

'Talaga?' I said, face softened. I patted the space next to me.

He lay back down under the covers, fought the urge to immediately put his arms around me and pull me closer coz he knew that if he stayed at this distant from me, he would get a desired reaction.

'I thought you might be happy about it.' He decided he couldn't keep up this game.

His hands slowly made their way to my waist and out his face ever so closely to mine.

'And are you... Reyes?' he whispered.

Feeling like the luckiest woman in the world, I wrapped an arm around him and buried my face in his chest, inhaling the scent that was uniquely hi own.

'I am.' I answered.

I held his gaze for what seemed like forever, content in his embrace and wanting to stay this way forever.

'I love you, babe.' I whispered, a small smile appearing. It could never be too early for moments like these, especially when that was we had, never time.

Kiefer smiled. That smile, which I vividly claimed stole my heart.

'I know. I love you too.' He said woth all the sincerity he had in his heart.

He put his hand under my chin and his thumb gently strokes my jawline. I practically melted when I felt his fingers. Smiles getting bigger.

'You are absolutely gorgeous.' He said quietly, as his eyes looked over my features that he knew so well.

'You don't look so bad Kief.' I remarked in a whisper, though there was a teasing lilt in my tone. I looked at him, he knows it naman na eh, that he's the most handsome man sa akin.

'May I kiss you baby?'

'You don't have to ask, babe.' I murmured quietly, raising my self slightly while closing my eyes, yearning for the moment when I could finally feel the familiar pair of lips against mine.

He smirked and whispered.

'Sometimes I ask, just to hear you say yes.' He brushed his lips lightly against mine before pressing them firmly together. His hands slipped through my hair. He attempted to get even closer to me, even though it became slightly harder to breathe. Hi lips parting, begging to take things further.

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