Chapter Two

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Chapter Two

I made my way to the nurse’s office. I knew I wasn't going to need to really go, but I need a reason to be able to leave the school. As I walked through the halls, I started to text Joey, and let her know that I wasn't feeling well.

                "Hey. I'm not exactly feeling well, so I'm off to the nurse and I'll be heading home. I'll be sure I can go to the concert tomorrow though. I promise." I couldn't help but realize how fake that text seemed, as I felt my phone vibrate.

                "Wat do u mean u dont feel well" I read it to myself and realized how horrible Jo's texting had become since she had been talking to Caty more.

                "I’m just kind of tired and I have cold sweats is all. I'll see you tomorrow, okay?"it's not as though it would be horrible that I went home, it was a Friday.

                Last day of the week, I was happy for it, because I could finally take a break from homework and doing what my mom wanted me too. Tomorrow was Saturday though, and I would be attending that concert that night, I wasn't really into any of the bands. I thought about the lyrics from that song again.

                "Horrible Kids, would you look what you did. It was your ignorance that formed a beast with your wit. Horrible Kids, Horrible Kids, Horrible Kids, look what you did!"

                I started to think about all I had been through up until I met Jo. I had been to hell and back. I was just Gabriella Andriacchi the girl whose mother was rich, and drove her to an eating disorder. It wasn't until I met Joey that I had finally stopped getting teased and ridiculed about it. I couldn't help but related to those lyrics, I didn't fit in. I still don't. I still get picked on from time to time. I realized my iPod was still playing in my pocket. I pulled it out, and placed the headphones in my ears and listened.

                "When you look down, does it seem so far away? Are the names so hard to take, great escape. We are not that different, I can tell cause I've stood right where you're standing. Bruised, battered, beated, broken down."

                I just turned the iPod off and stopped listening. It was beginning to creep me out at how this band's music has so far explained everything I've ever been through. They were trying to say they've been there, and it was kind of scary.

                I didn't go to the nurse but rather straight to my car, I honestly at this point didn't care what my mother would say, what would she do take my car? Boohoo, I didn't want it to begin with. She got it all on her own. I got into my car and started it up. I pulled away, and started driving home. I couldn't stop thinking about those words. They were so strong, so thought out, so deep. My phone started to ring, I answered through my sync.

                "Hello?" I said.

                It was my mother, "I got a call from the school, young lady. They called to tell me they watched you leave school grounds? Why aren't you in school?"she was yelling.

                "Mother, I wasn't feeling well. So I was going home. I'm sorry." I said blankly.

                "Oh. I'm sorry dear, I hope you feel better. Would you like me to come home?"she asked.

                I sighed, "No mother, I'll be fine. I'll get myself some 7UP, as well as maybe something to eat. I'm sure I'll be fine."

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