"Are you going to tell her the truth?" She asked.

"I-I don't know. I feel like I should. She deserves to know. It's not fair to her." I answered.

"That is the right thing to do ... but I just want you to be aware of the consequences." She said.

"Yes, North. I'm very aware that I'm basically going to lose her for good." I said sarcastically.

In a sad soft tone she said, "I'm sorry. I should probably pack all my things back up and just leave. I'll deal with not having an office."

"North stop, you don't have to leave. You know I need you around and not only for your money. That probably sounds really bad." I said.

"Allie once you tell her you had sex with me out of all girls, she's not going to want me there. That's if she even sticks around." She argued.

"Then I won't tell her it's you. I'll say it was a random girl." I said, not realizing the brilliant idea I just threw out into the open.

"That could work!" She said. "Even though ..."

"It's not your fault, it's mine. I was drunk and not thinking about her because I was upset. You were totally trashed." I said trying to convince her.

She sighed. "I feel like a homewrecker. Allie, I'm a homewrecker."

"You're not a homewrecker North. A homewrecker is someone who does it purposely. You didn't do it purposely." I argued.

"I don't think you remember me making the first move," She said. "It makes it a lot worse."

"It didn't mean anything, right? Not a big deal." I said calmly.

"Oh. Yeah. How silly of me." She said.

I catch the change of tone in her voice. I realize where I completely messed up. I guess it did mean something - to her or maybe I just said as if it really didn't happen? North is so confusing. Yesterday night it honestly felt like she loved me or something. I can't deny the fact that our sex was dangerously hot. We remained in sync throughout the whole thing. That shouldn't even surprise me because she was my only sex partner at one point.

I decide to ignore her sarcasm. I'll question it another time.

"It's settled then. I just won't tell her I hooked up with you," I said. "I hope you can handle a guilty conscious."

She scoffed. "You're the one I'm worried about."

"I'll be okay, I think ..." I said.

She cleared her throat before saying, "Just call me if anything happens or you need to talk, okay?"

"Yeah," I responded. "Does this make me a bad person?"

"A bad person because you cheated on your girlfriend? or a bad person because you don't regret it?" She said.

"How do you know I don't regret it?" I asked, shocked that she would even assume such a thing.

She laughed. "Well, you just told me and ... it wasn't bad sex. At least it wasn't bad, right?"

"It doesn't justify the fact that I cheated." I said dryly.

"Nothing is going to justify that. You fucked up. We fucked up, but if you're going to cheat on someone might as well have great cheating sex." She said.

"That sounds horrible," I said. "That sounds like something the old me would say. As a matter of fact, this is only something the old me would do."

Breaking The Game [Book #1]Where stories live. Discover now