Always and Forever

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*Calums POV

"You Ok?" I asked, my arm wrapped around one side of Mikey as Luke had the other side.

"I'm fine, Cal, really. I don't even need you're help you guys watch I got this shit." He let go of us and tried to make steps toward the house, but stumbled and we caught him before he fell.

"Really, you got this shit?" Ashton questioned and Mikey just flipped him off as we chuckled. Everyone was waiting for Mikey through the door since he's been recovering the last few days from him injuries.

"Let us help you, stubborn ass." Luke said as he grabbed Mikey's hand and pulled it over his shoulder. I wrapped my arm around him, since he couldn't with the sling on his right arm, and Mikey didn't protest this time.

"Alright, whatever. But I'll be fine soon. I promise. I don't want you guys taking care of me forever like I'm helpless."

"We got it, Mr. Independent. Cool it," Ashton said. He was holding all the bags of Michaels clothes he had at the hospital. We had to being him some every other day since he didn't plan on staying long. They piled up pretty fast.

"One more step,....ahh finally. I'm done with stairs. I can't do stairs even when I'm not hurt." Mikey said, and we all laughed and agreed.

We opened the door and saw all the girls' heads snap towards us. The look of relief took over and they rushed over to hug the injured boy.

"I'm so glad you're Ok, brother, it was so boring without you," Kimmy told him as she took him into a cautious but strong hug. He hugged her back and I smiled at how close she was to my friends. It made it feel more concrete that we would last because my friends accepted her and loved her.

Everyone hugged Mikey, Jess last. It was obviously the longest one, with a few kisses exchanged. We all walked away for that.

"I smell pizza." Michael finally said. I knew he would notice sooner or later.
"Yea, we got it for a welcome hone kinda thing. You get first pick, SL take advantage, because it won't happen often." Ashton nudged him and they both giggled like little kids as Mikey took three slices out of the box.

"Fatass," I whispered under my breathe, getting a slap to the chest because of my remark.

"Shut up, I like my tummy."

"I do too," Jess interrupted and me and Michael smiled as we all got pizza.

"So how long do you have the sling on for?" Kimmy questioned as we got more settled with the food and drinks.
"Ummm....fuck...about 3 weeks I'm guessing Ashton knows this shit not me." We all laughed again and Ashton told us it was about 3 like Mikey thought.

"Good, because I couldn't deal with this stupid thing for any longer."

"Don't take it off either, stupid," I scolded and he just stuck his tongue out at me. I flipped him off like it was second nature.

After pizza and mindless chatter, me and Luke helped Mikey up to his room so he can catch up on his shows (anime) and sleep because he was probably exhausted.

"I'm so glad he's home," Kimmy told me as I jogged downstairs from Michaels room.

"I am too, and I'm so happy you get along with my friends. I know I've never said this, but it means a lot that you are friends with them too."

"Of course I am, how could I not be. They have accepted me as you're girlfriend, so I want to get along with them as much as I can so I'm jot some evil bitch to them."

We both laughed at her explanation. "I love you, oh my god," I said to her.

"Obviously, who wouldn't." I gave her a scowl. "I love you too, Cal Pal. Always."

"And forever." I finished and I gave her a kiss on the lips. Slow, but sweet and I felt every bit of my heart go into that small, short kiss. Every time I laid eyes on her or felt my lips against hers, it was like falling in love all over again. And I did. Every single time.

Sappy Calum is alive people. Deal with it.

Authors Note

I'm such a horrible person. I'm sorry again that I take for ever to update. I've been trying to get into more school activities for college apps. I'm in basketball and three clubs right now plus homework, so yea I'm fucking busy. I'll always make time for you guys tho don't worry.

Love you guys

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