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Before we could fall asleep in the tree (even though I could have in the comfortable position I was in Calums arms), he helped me out of it and started walking me home. As we left the park, I felt a slight breeze. It was really cold, and I couldn't help but shiver. As soon as I did that, Calums arm was already around my waist and his jacket was already resting lightly on my shoulders.

"You Ok?" he asked as I looked up at him. I nodded and we both smiled. Just like we always did as we walked, we messed around and laughed and made so much noise that I'm surprised no one yelled at us. Calum liked spinning me in his arms and pulling me closer to him. And I didn't complain at all.

Walking to my house though, I said a quick goodbye to my new boyfriend (can't believe I can call him that omg) and with a quick peck on the lips, I went inside.

I tried so hard not to make a sound, but if course my actions meant nothing. Of course he was waiting for me, even though I wasn't even late.

"Where have you been?" My dad asked me, anger apparent in his voice.

"The park.." I said honestly. No need to lie about where I was, just who I was with.

"And who's fucking jacket is that? Doesn't look like one I bought you!"

Shit. I forgot to give it back to Calum. I'm in so much shit for this one.

"I got it a few days ago...I...I thought it was nice...." Please believe it. Please believe it. Please believe it.

"Yea Ok whatever. I'm tired of talking to you already. Buying your own ahit acting like I don't take care of you. Whatever kid." and he pushed me aside. I fekk to the ground, but nothing happened. I can't believe he took the lie. Thank god.

I picked myself up and got to my room as fast as I could while he had his back turned. I put my pajama shorts on and thought about whether I should wear Cal's jacket.....the answers yes. I pulled off my shirt just to put his jacket back on and turned my light off so my dad would think I was asleep. Tonight was a close one, but I got through it.

I scrolled through my phone before I went to bed like every other teen does. But I'm sure normal teens don't get the text messages that I do. Bullies need a life. I was a bout to lock my phone when it vibrated. Gee, I wonder who it was....

Big Lips Baby: did you make it home alright?

Babe Cutie: yes Cal I'm fine lol

Big Lips Baby: just wondering if my woman's Ok I can't let anything happen to you. I just got you ;)

Babe Cutie: I know you did ;) and I'm happy you do

Big Lips Baby: better be ;) cause I don't plan on letting you go for a while. So get used to it

Babe Cutie: I'll try my best lol

Babe Cutie: I still have your jacket btw ;)

Big Lips Baby: keep it. It'll remind you if me

Babe Cutie: I wasn't planning on giving it back ;*

Big Lips Baby: all your gonna do it hang it up anyway won't matter

Babe Cutie: no I'm wearing to sleep ;)

Big Lips Baby:......really?

Babe Cutie: yea why?

Big Lips Cutie: oh god you probably look amazing in my jacket rn stop I don't wanna know

Babe Cutie: I'm wearing shorts to sleep in too ;)

Big Lips Cutie: why... Why tease me....now I have a boner and no one to help me. See what you do, Kimmy?

Babe Cutie: goodnight ;*

Big Lips Cutie: goodnight tease ;*

Big Lips Baby: beautiful

I smiled and layer my head on my pillow. I don't know where this sudden wave of confidence came from. Usually if someone would try and flirt with me I would panic and get flustered and end up just walking away. Like, yea, I had a dirty mind and was always joking around but when it came to actual flirting, I was stuck. But with Calum, it all came natural to me. And I was liking the new found confidence I had. And I'm guessing so did Calum.

Authors Note:

Ok so I have a lot of ideas for this so bare with me. It will get good soon. I hope anyways. As always, leave comments and vote if you want. I really wanna know if you guys like it. And any complaints I'll take too. Its my first book so...yea don't judge lmao.

Love you guys

Alleyway • Calum HoodTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang