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*Kimmys POV

I was so scared to go back to the house that held the person for most of my pain. It was almost as if stepping into the house or even looking at at gave me physical pain because of the memories I have there. I cringed at how many times I've felt my head come in contact with the scratchy carpet, or how many times my hands, weak and brittle, would try to pick myself up from the ground. And the moments I stared at myself in the mirror, wondering if it would ever get better, or if I was so worthless I deserved every minute of what happened. Feeling arms around me though, I knew now that I didn't deserve any of it, and that it does get better.

I softened against Calums touch and relaxed a bit. His head nestled into the crook of my neck and he kissed at it slightly. I held his arms tighter and leaned against his head and smiled.

"What's wrong, baby girl?" he whispered in my ear as his head still rested near my neck.

"Nothing, babe, just...thinking," I said to him.

"I know its hard but you have to get your stuff Kimmy. And I'll be there this time. I won't let anything happen to you, love," he told me, his deep brown eyes piercing into mine. I let my head fall and looked at the comforter laying across the bed. Calum just wrapped his broad arms around me and I held him close to me. I was just super stressed over everything and in Cal's arms, it all melted away somehow.

"....thank you, Calum...." I said after being in his arms for a while.

"Always, babe. There's nothing I wouldn't do for you," he stroked my hair and kissed my temple to comfort me. How did he seem to make me feel so much better in a horrible situation? "Are you ready?" Calum lifted my chin and looked at me with a questionable look on his face. I just nodded and let out a deep breathe. He kissed my head once more and I stood up on my tip toes to connect his lips to mine.

Calum took my hand into his, which made mine look so much smaller compared to his, and didn't let go until we reached the front of my house. I felt my chest start to feel heavy and my breathe became a little hitched in my throat. But, I tried to stay as calm as I could. Calum opened my door for me and helped me get out, taking my hand once again. My eyes closed and I made my way up the too familiar steps. Fuck.

"Calum... Maybe you should wait here. I dotn want anything going off just because of you. If I need you, I will yell for you I promise." He just nodded and pulled me in for a quick kiss before I opened the creaky door.

I peaked my head into the musty house and looked around, like I used to the many nights I would leave after fights. The house looked the same and all the meoried flooded back, making my head start to pound. Maybe that's why I always had headaches by just being in the house...all the memories....

My steps into the house were cautioned. I didn't see him at all, so I walked down the hall into my small room that had all my belongings. This is the only time having a lot of let over school bags came in handy. I grabbed a few of then and started shoving clothes into the stretched out backpacks. I took some of my notebooks with my doodles as well and a few other things I had out. The last thing my hand came upon was a picture of my mom, my dad, and I.

I had it on my TV to keep the memory of the good we used to have in this family. As I looked at it, I felt a tears come down and leave my chin to hit the floor. That day was one of the best I've ever had. It was a trip we took as a family to the mountains. I remembered the view, how it seemed to just engulf my whole being and made me want to stay there forever. It was the only time I smiled while in the presence of my parents...

Not long after that trip did everything turn for the worse. The yelling, the beating, the bruises,the face got red as these came into my mind. I started crying and could feel the anger from so many years of being a punching bag begin to boil within me. I slammed the picture to the ground and watched the glass shatter at my feet. The frame cracked beyond repair and I turned at my heel to get away from it, slinging the backpacks onto my shoulder. I didn't even bother trying to be sneaky anymore. I just wanted to get out of that place for good.

"Long time, no see, worthless piece of shit I have to call a daughter. Why are you in my house?" I heard his voice pierce throughout the house.

"Don't mind me, I was just leavi-" he grabbed my arm before I could get a grip on the door and covered my mouth with his hand.

"I saw you brought back-up. Did you really think you could get away that easily? He doesn't care about you. Isn't that that band member you love so dearly? Why on earth would he choose a buzz kill like you when there are so many girls who would just spread their legs in an instant for him? You're a toy," he spat at me. His words killed me and he knew it. Tears soaked my cheeks from the pain yo my face as well as the pain from his words. "And if he can't hear you, he won't even bother to check on you."

My dad pushed me against the wall and got in my face. Not knowing what he would do made my whole body shake with fear. His hand never left my mouth as he looked at me and smirked like a little kid who got out of trouble. "You might have gotten away last time, but your stuck now," his lips graced my cheek and he spat those evil words at me and I felt my whole body tense up. Please...please don't...

"And no ones here to save you. Cause no one fucking car-"

He hit the ground of the hallway with a thud. My hands instantly went to cover my face and I slid down the wall as tears started streaming from my eyes. I looked up at a breathless Calum with a hand beginning to bruise and blood coming from it, looking between me and the limp body laying in front of us. He stayed still for a while, his face still full of shock, but then went to me and comforted me as I just wept onto his shoulder.

"Come on, we need to get out of here before he wakes up," Calum helped me up and wrapped an arm around me to guide me to the car. Once I was in, he jogged to his side and turned the car on to drive off. We both just looked at each other with red eyes from crying, my hand in his. He took my hand up to his lips and left a chaste kiss on it, while I just kept my attention on how his hand looked. It had so much blood coming from where it had busted open, and I could already see some of it turning into a deeper color. I can't believe the damage that was done to his hand.

And that was the last time I would ever see my dad.

Authors Note

Ksndiwjue the new music video for skh is AMAZING!! I'm so proud!

This chapter is a little intense. I felt like I was going through it while writing it and I started to freak out. But yea hope you love it!

Oh, and me and my friend started a joined account so go give it a follow and we will start writing soon! Malum05 is the name! Hope you love the stories we make on there as much as I hope you love this one!

As always, vote and comment and tell me what you think.

Love you guys

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