Car Ride

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*Kimmys POV

I had no idea what we were gone do today. My confidence started to bubble after I realized just the thought of me turned him on and I guess it took over. But I really wanted to go to the beach. Maybe a group trip? Yea that sounded amazing. I haven't seen the rest of the guys since that first night so seeing them would make the trio that much more fun.

I called Calum and told him my plan, he told the boys and decided Ashton was driving. I smiled and hung up, trying to make up the plan as I go.

I really didn't want to be the only girl to go to the beach with a group of crazy band boys. I would have a meltdown. And the only person I could think of was my friend Ashley.

Ashley's one of my best friends who is also a huge fan of the band. That's how we actually became friends. We were both wearing 5sos shirts and it instantly clicked between us. She's the only one I would trust with coming along. I texted her about going to the beach, not wanting to tell her who we were going with, and got my stuff ready before I snuck out. I knew if I asked my dad, he'd say no and it would make the whole thing worse, so I ignored it and went anyway.

I looked out of my room and saw he was no where to be seen. I stayed still for a what seemed like forever, and eased out of the doorframe slowly. Cool, I get to go. Right as I opened the door, though, I heard my dad say my name. I ran out as fast as I could down the street. I didn't want him to ruin this trip with the only people I felt could help me get better with myself. I heard him behind me still cursing, but I kept up my pace. Fuck I'm in huge trouble when I get back.

I slowed down after a while because I run out of breathe easily since I'm not in the best shape. Luckily Ashton pulled up to where I was walking.

"Why are you walking? We were coning to pick you up from your house." Ashton said as I stepped into the car. Of course Cal was sitting in the front seat, so I sat on his lap. I could see his smirk from the corner of my eye and I couldn't help but giggle.

"No its fine. But can we pick up my friend to go too? If its Ok.."

"Yea its fine. Show me where." We went down a few streets and easily found our way to the front of Ashley's house. Here's the fun part. I ahevnt told Ashley any of the things that have been happening because I wanted it to be a surprised when I introduced her to Ashton. He was her fave and this was going to be amazing.

I knocked on her door and she cane out with a backpack of stuff she wanted to take with us. She smiled and gave me a huge hug. "Heyy, today is going to be so fun I've been wanting to... Who's car is that? Kimmy...did you steal this?"

"Nooo never psshhh." We laughed because we both knew it was possible that I could have.

"Who's is it then? Your dad doesn't know were going huh? You're going to get hurt again." Ashley's the only one that knows how my dad treats me, and she's tried helping but it does nothing so she just helps me get over it when it happens.

"Just stay here and turn around dude," I told her as I slowly pushed her shoulders to where she faced the house. I ran to the car to grab Ashton's hand. He gave me a confused look, but didn't resist. "Put your arm around her," I whispered to him.

He realized what was going on and he wrapped his arms around her and kissed her neck slightly. She opened her eyes slowly and instantly screamed. I'm such a good friend. She jumped into his arms and he hugged her back. The smile plastered on their faces was priceless. Ashton seemed to enjoy this.

We finally got back to the car and headed to the beach. Ashton wanted to talk to Ashley, so Luke took up the driving status. I was so happy to see them talking together. She owes me so big.

The car ride was so funny. Mikey messed with Luke as he drove and acted like he was a walrus. But then we realized green day's on the radio, so we turned it really high and sang American Idiot as loud as we could. And the guitar riffs were expertly sang by Michael and Luke. Me and Ashley were low key fangirling, but the car ride was the best thing to ever happen in my life. For the first time, I felt like I had real friends. And I felt like I mattered with Calums arms lightly around me and he tapped the beat on my thighs absentmindedly. Life was amazing at the moment, and I didn't want it to end.

Authors Note

OMG Ok I'm so happy people are liking this book. It means so much to me. I know this isn't the best chapter but I really wanted a beach trip in the book.

The comments and votes made me want to update today just to make you guys happy. There might not be many reading but its great that those who are love my book.

As always comment anything you want me to know and my messages are open if you want to text me.

Love you guys✘

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