All Behind Us

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*Calums POV

Leaning against the rough grain of the house sucked. I wanted to be in there, in case she needed me. But, this was something she wanted to endure by herself, and I needed to respect that. Plus, I was right outside, so nothing bad would happen. Right?

I picked at my nails absentmindedly, waiting to see my beautiful girlfriend appear from the place that caused her so much harm. Just knowing what happened here made me want to punch something, preferably her dad. For now, though, I just wanted to get out of there.

The knob kinda started to turn and I jumped up, getting ready to leave as fast as needed. But, no one ever came out. I heard muffled noises but thought nothing of it really. Maybe she forgot something? I leaned closer to the door though, trying to decipher what the noise, or voice, was.

"...He doesn't care about you. Isn't that that band member you love so dearly? Why on earth would he choose a buzz kill like you when there are so many girls who would just spread their legs in an instant for him? You're a toy," I heard from beyond the door. Was he really saying that to the love of my life? He knows nothing about me and how I feel about her and he has no right saying that to her because its not true. The anger in me fumed and I just wanted to burst the door open and smash his head in. But, I had to he careful because if he knew I was coming, he would have time to defend himself.

I slowly opened the door to walk into a horrible sight. The bastard had my girlfriend, his own daughter, pinned up against the wall with his lips tracing across her cheek and one hand at her waist while the other covered her mouth so she couldn't scream for me. Her eyes were closed and tears were streaming down her face. As soon as my eyes saw what was happening I lost it.

"And no ones here to save you. Cause no one fucking car-" my fist came in contact with his face harder then I've ever punched anything or anyone. He instantly fell to the floor and I saw Kimmy just collapse against the wall. It took all I had not to crouch down and keep pinching him until his face was unrecognizable, but I know Kimmy wouldn't want that. I tried to calm down before I went to comfort her and wrap my arms around her as tight as I could.

"Come on, we need to get out of here before he wakes up," I told her as I grabbed her hands and helped her up from the carpet floor where she was crouched down against the wall. I wiped the few drops that escaped my eyes and held her as close to me as I could. I knew she had gone through stuff, but seeing the worst of it in front of you made it seem so much worse and I hated that I couldn't have known her before to help her. She deserves so much better.

I opened her door and helped her into the seat. Then I jogged to my side and started the car as fast as I could to get out of this hell hole. As I pulled onto the road, I took Kimmys hand into mine. She looked up at me and faked a small smile before going and wiping her eyes from the lingering drops. I rubbed small circles into her hand and stayed silent until she needed me to do anything or to just comfort her. When she wanted to tall about it is when it would be talked about, other then that, it wasn't my business to push into saying anything she didn't want to. As long as she was safe and Ok and with me, I would be happy.

We finally got back to the hotel and I lifted her hand up to my lips to leave a quick kiss and told her not to move. I opened my car door to go to her side and opened hers as well, taking the bags from her shoulders and putting them onto my own. She gave me a questioning look and went to grab them but I swatted her hands away, making a small from appear at the corners of her lips. I beamed down at her, knowing she was feeling a little better, and left a kiss at the crown of her head before wrapping an arm around her and heading back to the room.

Which was messy, of course. Four boys lived here why wouldn't it be. The rest of the group also left conveniently before picking their shit up. Me and Kimmy just looked around and shook our heads. I went to the bed Kimmy and I shared and dropped the bags onto it before grabbing her waist and pulling her in for a hug. She snuggled into my chest and her little arms went around my waist, pulling my in as well. I saw the pain in her face kinda disappear at my touch, which made me smile. I'm so glad I make her as happy as she makes me.

Kimmy and I stayed like this for a while, just letting each other calm down and get over what happened. I know it would be so much harder for her to get over, but I'm willing to go with it and help as much as I can. But its better for her that its all behind us now. I sneaked a peak at her face and she was staring up at me.

"What?" I asked, a chuckle leaving my lips.

"We need to clean this room, it smells like wet boy," she said and we burst into laughter.

"Are you Ok, baby?" I questioned as we finally calmed down from our laughs.

"Yea, I have you to thank. Its all behind us and I can get over it now. Hut I was serious about this room, its nasty," she threw one of the many shared shirts we have and I almost puked. Woah, we have bad body stink. I dropped into off my face and I heard Kimmy laugh at my facial expression. "Told you."

"Ok Ok. We need to clean."

Authors Note

Ughh this is sad. But it got happy at the end so I'm not that bad of a person right? Anyways thanks for reading it means so much to me you have no idea. I know I say that a lot but its true so.

I got in a really bad mood last night though. Pictures of Cal surfaced and I still don't know if they're real or not...but its his choice so I gotta get over it. If you know what I'm talking about feel free to leave your thoughts in the comments about it. It could be photoshopped but idk...

But on a lighter note the joined account I have has officially started a book! Its called The Back and its pretty good. The accounts Malum05 so go check it out! I'm so excited for it.

Hope youre liking this book because it means a lot that you guys are even reading it. Its pretty amazing.

Love you guys

Alleyway • Calum HoodWhere stories live. Discover now