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*Calums POV

She looked so perfect. Her just walking my direction made me surprised she was approaching me. The way her hair flowed behind her, the way her hips swayed in perfect sync, and the way she had no idea how great she really was. And how she didn't know baffled me because it seemed obvious to me.

She finally reached me and our eyes net, making us both grin.

"Hey, loser," she said to me, a smirk starting to come up.

"Hey, that was very, very rude and it kinda stung," using my pout to help the illusion of sadness.

"Awww really? Your puppy dog face? Cal...ugh..Ok I'm sorry,"

"Nope, still sad," I started walking to have her follow being me, trying to Mame me forgive her harmless comment.

"Cal....Cal...Cal stop I can't walk this fast your legs are longer then mine remember that," she said giggling as she finally caught my shoulder and made me stop. I smiled and finally pulled her in for a big hug. I felt her smile against my chest, feeling accomplished. God she made me such a sap. No more bad boy.

"Calum!!! Omg it is him!! Calum! Calum look! Do you remember us?!?!?" these two girls ran up on me and Kimmy all of a sudden. Kimmy seemed to back away and tried to hide her face....I wonder why? It wouldn't take long for them to leave.

"Hey guys! What's up? Pictures?" I asked them and they nodded and snapped a few pics. "Aha, thanks guys. Hope you have a good day. I have to get back to my friend."

"Who...her?" one girl questioned. "Is that....Kimmy? Wtf are you doing with a loser like her?" I saw Kimmy already start to tear up.

"Hey, don't say that about her. What did she do to you? How do you even know her?" I asked. I don't want some random gurl talking about this great girl I've come to like for no reason. Its the worst thing anyone can do. I can't stand bullying.

"She went to school with us. Shes a nobody. Wouldn't you want someone better, Calum? I can he so much better then her, just saying." She tried wrapping her arms around me and being flirty but I swatted her hands away as soon as they came close to me.

"Don't talk about her like that. To me, shes way better then someone who takes pride in making someone else miserable. I have to go talk to my friend who you made run away. Have a nice day girls." I started running in the direction Kimmy ran after she saw the girl almost have her arms around me. I can't believe she didn't tell me she is being bullied.

"Kimmy!" I exclaimed as I saw her in the fetal position against the bathroom wall. I walked into the girls bathroom not caring what happened or who saw.

She looked up at the sound of my voice and quickly tried wiping her tears. "Don't you have those girls to talk to. They seem to really like you and they're better then me. They're the most popular girls in school...." She started reading up again and I couldn't take seeing her like this.

"Kimmy, those girls are nothing compared to you. They aren't nearly as funny and nice and gorgeous as you and they never will be. Your amazing, and the only girl I have my eyes on." I stopped after I realized what I said. I might have given away my surprise for today....

" what?.." she asked between gasps for air after crying.

"I...I ...really like you Kimmy...and your the only one I have my eyes on..."

"Why?" She seemed completely baffled on my feelings for her. Like it was the biggest lie or mistake she's ever heard. Wow. She's been hurt bad. And I want to be the one to help her.

"Because your the best person I've ever met, Kimmy. You aren't like other fans. You're presence just...seems to make me happier. I don't know how... But you've definitely changed me, Kimmy."

She just looked at me in utter confusion. But, all of a sudden, her lips crashed against mine and I felt the extra heat on her face because of her recent crying. I took her face between my hands and wiped the tears with my thumbs. One of her hands came up to caress my face and the other rested on my upper thigh, not even meaning to. This drove me nuts. Luckily, she moved her hand to the back of my neck. I pulled away to look at her eyes to see if she was okay. She looked at me and grinned like I was the only person she wanted to see. That smile made me crazy too.

"Are you okay, babe?" I asked.

"Yea...I'm okay. Thank you, Cal, for helping me out and sticking up for me. Not many have done that and not many have. It means a lot." As she said all of this, her eyes were to the floor of the dirty bathroom. I lifted her chin up so I could see her eyes.

"I will always stand up for someone I care for, Kimmy. Uh....can I uh.....ask you something?"


"How long have they been bullying you Kimmy?" I asked with concern in my eyes. I never wanted her to be hurt again, but I had to know how much she's been hurt while I wasn't here to help her.

She took a deep breathe and started telling me how it began. She told me it started in 2nd grade and kept going from there. I listened intently as I saw the girl I liked and trusted was expressing the pain people have caused her. It hurt so much more then any pain I've gone through.

"....and its still going on, everyday, everywhere I go, someone's there to tell me I'm never good enough....and I don't know when I started believing them, but I do." That last one hurt so much more.

"You'll never have to go through that alone again, Kimmy, I promise. Please tell me you'll promise to tell me when anything, and I mean anything happens again."

"I promise," she told me, holding out her pinky. I laughed and tied out little fingers together.

"Okay, now that I've gotten you happier, can I .....ask you...uh...something else?" My voice was shaking as I even thought about the words I was about to say. I really needed to ask this though.

"Yes Cal, what's up?" She met my eyes again and my voice was caught in my throat. God she made me nervous as fuck.

"Ummmm..I was wondering...only if you want my girlfriend? Kimmy?" I closed my eyes prepared for a no for some reason.

All I felt was her lips against mine and my expression softened against her touch.

"I thought you'd never ask, Cal. Of course." I swept her up into my arms and spun around, so elated and overwhelmed by this feeling. It felt great to be able to call Kimmy mine.

Authors Note

Ok so Calum finally grew the balls to ask her out after finding out she was bullied in school. But what about home? That comes later but they're together now. And tbh they make a really cute couple.

This chapter is longer then others but it took a while to explain everything that happened so hopefully its interesting too. Any comments I'd love.

Love you guys

Alleyway • Calum HoodWhere stories live. Discover now