Big Lips Baby

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*Kimmys POV

I could feel his warm lips moving in sync with mine as he pressed us closer together with his free hand. As if by instinct, I wrapped one arm around his waist as one hand held his neck to deepen the heated kiss. I wondered how long it would be before I passed out from a heart attack. I could feel my heart fasten at the mere thought that he's touching me.

I eventually felt another arm around my waist and I realize that he handed my phone off to one of the guys. I think I got enough pictures. Although he wasn't taking pictures anymore, though, he never pulled away. He kept his arms help tight around my waist, his hands slowly moving up and down my side. My other hand went to caress his soft cheeks and he pulled me into him even closer then before so there was no space between us. Right as I felt him part his lips, I heard a cough from behind me.

Shocked, Calum separated our lips and sent a scowl towards Luke, who I guess was the one who coughed. I could feel my cheeks get hot as it hit me that they were still there. Calum reluctantly pulled his hands away from my waist and looked at me, with a hint of lust set deep in his eyes still. "I...uh...I got a lot of pictures for you."

"Thanks..." I blushed.

"I...think we have to go back to our hotel though so I'll..uh..see you around? Hopefully?" Calum looked at me through his eyelashes, a puppy dig pout emerging on his face.

"Hopefully." I assured him. I went to walk away, but I was pulled back by a strong grasp. Our eyes met again and I instantly looked to the floor. I felt a hand lift my chin up to meet the deep brown eyes of Calum.

"No hug?" he teased with a grin playing on the edges of his mouth. I laughed and let him pull me into a hug. His embrace felt like I always thought it would: safe and inviting, yet inticing. His strong arms squeezed me slightly before letting me go. "Oh and I put my number into your phone." He winked at me and went to meet the rest of his band mates down the alleyway.

I looked through my contacts to see any new members I wasn't used to. Then I reached the new contact name. Of course he would put his name as 'Big Lips Baby'. Oh. My. God.

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