Heaven to Hell

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*Kimmys POV

Having your favorite band members hand intertwined with yours is the best feeling in the world. I looked at our interlocked fingers and couldn't help but have a huge smile across my face. And, as I looked up into this deep brown eyes I've come to adore, they had the same expression mine did. Which made me smile even bigger.

"So, tell me about you, Kimmy." Calum interjected my train of thought.

"Uhh....me? There's nothing really fascinating about my life..." Yea nothing great about a small girl getting bullied by not only kids at my school, but at home as well. Nothing interesting about the gurl always chosen last for everything. No, nothing at all.... I trailed off as I realized he was still looking at me, waiting for an actual answer.

"Really? You seem pretty interesting to me, cutie." He said, smirking at me. I have come to love the nickname he's given me recently. Cutie.

"Seems your the only one." I played off with a smile, even though I was actually kinda serious. Before Calum, no guy has ever given me the time of day. I've gotten played, hurt, broken, betrayed so many times that I have up on even talking to guys. That's why I messed around a lot, because being their friend is easier then catching feelings.

He laughed at my remark and tried to tell me otherwise.

"There's no way I'm the only one. Someone as gorgeous as you should have broken a few hearts." He pulled his hands above his heart, making a heart shape of their own, just to split again. With this he added his puppy dog pout with the lips that have been in contact with mine not to long ago.

"Not really," I admitted. "Never really even had a boyfriend...." All I saw was genuine shock come over his face. Did he really expect me to be a heartless heart breaker? The idea baffled me.

He looked at our hands still locked together and a grinn played the corners of his mouth again. His smirk could cure cancer. Just saying. He then lifted up our hands and planted a light kiss upon mine. This action single handedly took my breathe away. As he did this, his eyes never left mine. Which made him irresistible at the moment.

"That's not fair," I exclaimed.

"What isn't?" He said, confused.

"You know your eyes are really inticing."

"I do now," he said inching closer to my face. He left a slight peck over my lips, making my stomach jump, and stared into my eyes.

"I wanna piggy back ride," I ordered.

".. What?" He backed away, confused at my statement considering our intimate state.

"You heard me, Hood." I laughed. He bent down a bit and let me climb up. He was so tall. The ground seemed so far away from up here. I clung onto his shoulders as he trotted along the street on our way home.

Tucking my head into the crook of his neck, right where his jawline protruded from his skin, he started walking. I felt him turn his head, and I looked up. His glimpse caught my eye and we both smiled at our silliness. I left a kiss along his jaw, something I have dreamed of so many times, and tucked my head back into his neck.


It was 7:30 and I probably needed to head home. I let Calum know and he instantly offered to walk me. I laughed at his chivalry, and let him. As soon as we got out if the arcade we spent the last few hours at, he grabbed hold of my hand and laces his fingers into mine. I've accustomed to this, but it never seased to make my stomach freak out.

Walking with Calum wasone of the most entertaining things ever. He would tell stories of things that barely made sense, spin around until he got dizzy, and twirled me around with him until we laughed to where outlr tummy's hurt. The walk took a bit longer then expected, but I still wasn't late. But that never stopped my dad.

"Ok, you don't need end to walk me anymore I'm fine. My house is right there. You can go." I was trying to convince him I'm Ok walking the rest of the way.

"...I don't know, are you sure your fine with it? I wanna make sure your safe but I don't want your dad to ask me questions or anything." He chuckled. My dad would do way more then ask questions....

"Yea he does that. Aha..." I didn't want my dad to ruin this for me like he did everything.

"Ok I'll wait a while before I meet him. Aha...but goodnight babe. Can't wait to hang our again. Today was one if the best..." he breathed out while coming closer to me. Hus voice was raspy. Oh my.

"The best.." I assured, and out lips met for a short amount of time. I couldn't get enough of him. He pulled away and our eyes met one last time before we separated our hands and walked our separate ways. I looked back to see his face once more before I walked to my house. Time to enter hell.

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