For Everything

38 4 1

*Calums POV

As much as I loved having Kimmy over, the reason she was staying here kept eating away at me. She's been through so muh and the fact that something like that could've happened to her made my skin crawl and the anger inside me bubble over the brim. And to think if she hasn't have been with me it would've happened because she would've had no where to run... God I hate that. Thinking of Kimmy in pain in any way made me almost cry.

She seemed okay after she got here but I know she was thinking about this too. Her face always scrunched up when she was concentrating on something no one else can see and she shook her head trying to get it out of her mind. Maybe she needs to talk about it...

"Kimmy, hey, what's wrong?" I asked, taking her little hands into mine and rubbing circles into her skin lightly. She snapped her head up and faked a quick smile.

"Nothing Cal, why..?"

"I know you're focused on something else, babe, you can tell me what's on your mind," I took her chin into my fingers and lifted so her eyes met mine. I saw them soften and she let out a sigh.

"What if I didn't have you to help me through all of this, Calum? What would've happened to me that night? Even if I got away, which I...." she started choking up and I could see the pain in her face, " ....probably wouldn't, where would I have gone? I had no one before you and... If I got away I would've had to go back right away and..." tears started to fall from her cheeks and I swept my thumb over them. This hurt way worse then any injury.

"Kimmy, you don't have to think about that. I was there and it didn't happen. And I'm gonna be here for you always and forever, and I won't let anyone or anything hurt my baby girl. I just wish I could've been here since the beginning so you didn't have to go through any of this at all....." It pained me that I couldn't be there for her before and all I could think of is how she was treated before I was in her life. Why couldn't we have met earlier? I know I shouldn't have, but I blamed myself....

"Calum, we didn't know each other. Its not your fault for any of this. The only thing your responsible for is my rescue, and I can't tell you how much it means to me that you care enough to save me from everything I've gone through and keep me safe from what still tries to hurt me. Calum, you mean the world to me because you saved it from being destroyed," she said as she kept my eyes locked onto hers. At this point we were both in tears and I couldn't help taking her into the biggest embrace.

We sat there just taking in each other for what seemed like a long time, yet not enough, as we tried to calm ourselves down from our conversation. I took a breathe a pulled away, taking her face into my hands and leaning my forehead onto hers, wiping the left over tears staining her cheeks. She reached over and did the same, making me realize I actually cried. Fuck, I actually cried.

"So what do you want to do about this, babe. You're running out of clothes, and I really don't want you going back to that house unless its just to get clothes and come back and move in with me." I told her.

"It's a hotel room, Cal. I can't burden you guys while youre on your break. Its not fair to the rest of the guys," she shook her head slightly and I caught it to leave a kiss on her nose.

"They boys love you Kimmy, you know that. They have no problem with you staying here and they know you have a reason to stay away from your house. If your dad would do that once, he'll do it again, and the next time you might not get away....I couldn't live with myself if he ever layed a finger on you..."

"I know baby, I know. Don't think like that..... Well go get my stuff tomorrow Cal, okay? Your going with me though...I can't look at him in the face and leave him, he's still my dad," she trailed off, feeling guilty for leaving her fad alone.

"I get it but if he didn't want you to leave, he wouldn't hurt you in any way. Its for your best interest Kimmy, and I just want you happy and healthy and unhurt," I kissed her temple and held her close to me. She molded against me wrapped her arms around my waist, pulling me in, too.

"Thank you, Calum....for everything,"

Authors Note

A lot of crying in this one. I almost teared up writing it tbh. I'm sorry. I really hope you like it though.

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Love you guys

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