Perfect Day

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*Calums POV

As I layed there with Kimmy wrapped in my arms after the amazing day we had, I just admired her and thought of how much I loved her. Yes, loved her. Calum Thomas fucking Hood, 'bad boy' of 5sos loved someone. It was a crazy thought, but true. Everything she hated about herself, I wouldn't change for the universe. The boys will give me so much shit for this.

I swept her hair to the side out of her face and her eyes twinkled and creased as she gave me a smile. I couldn't help but mirror her expression and peck her lips. Which made us smile even more. I don't know how long we stayed like this, just staring into each others eyes and laughing and just soaking up the moment with each other. But I know it wouldn't be long enough for me. I wanted to stay like this forever.

But we had to go see what the boys were up to. They left this morning saying they were going to the park so I'm guessing that's where they stayed. After taking forever on deciding to get up, I released my grip on Kimmys sides and kissed her neck and jawline before she got up to get dressed. I layed there for a while before grunting and pulling myself up off the bed I spent most of the morning. I pulled out some tight black pants and a Dead shirt. Kimmy gave me a questionable look and I just shrugged and smiled, knowing she was referring to my choice of clothes due to the heat. Oh well.

Kimmy wore high waisted pants the were a light acid washed and just pulled on one of my shirts. I gaped at how sexy she looked in my shirts and wanted the morning yo happen all over again. She saw my expression and laughed, reaching over to my chin and lightly shut it saying, "You might catch flies with how wide you keep your mouth agape."

"I can't help it, my girlfriend wearing my shirt is extremely breathtaking. A few flies wouldn't hurt," I grinned seeing her disgusted face and put my arm around her and slightly hugged her body into mine as we walked down the hall to leave the hotel.

The park wasn't that far from the hotel so we got there in about 15 minutes. We instantly saw I puff of red appearing across the way, knowing no one besides Michael would rock that bright ass color. But we also noticed more then three or even four people we expected. Of course Ashton brought Ashley, his new girlfriend. That much we knew. But Michael and Luke also had girls with them. Wow picking up girls in the park, nice job guys.

"Oh, hey guys. We didn't know you were gonna come find us," Mikey said looking a bit surprised but happy either way.

"Well I would have rather stayed in the hotel but we needed the fresh air so why not," I just shrugged off, trying to not give the idea that me and Kimmy did anything.

"You probably had so much more fun in the room by yourselves," Ashton giggled. I saw Kimmys cheeks flush and I smiled, giving up the act.

"Really you guys. We were gone for one morning and your already humping all over the place. Please just be the bed dude?" Mikey exclaimed, mix of disgust and playfulness in his voice.

"Just the bed mate, I promise," I shook my head hoping a change in topics was coming soon. "So you found people to hang out with while we were gone we see."

"Oh, yea, my bad, you guys remember Jess and Madison?" the red haired boy pointed to each of the girls standing next to him and Luke.

"From the beach? Yea of course how have you guys been?" Kimmy asked them and they both just nodded and let out a small good. After getting to know them a bit, we all just walked around, acting stupid and talking about nothing. It was different then when me and the boys hang out my ourselves, but a good different.

Most of it was just us making fun of the things we've done in tour and trying to get to know everyone.

"Mikey do you remember that video you took of Luke. The one where he stuffed his boxers?" I brought up. Mikey and I burst into a fit of laughter.

"That was the best video of Luke oh shit," Mikey said between breathes.

"Shut the fuck up guys. One time," Luke said trying to hide his reddening cheeks.

"Way more then one time Lukey," I gasped as my laughing slowed down. He just gave me an evil glare and flipped me off as I laughed even more. It was funny when Lukey got mad. And it was super easy to make him that way.

We talked about Jess and Madison some, trying to get to know them. I was only half listening though, which was probably bad, but I couldn't stop staring at Kimmy next to me. The way her face scrunched up when she focused on something was the cutest thing. I gave her hand a slight squeeze and she turned her head to face me. Her face lit up and she nestled into my body.

I loved watching her expressions and trying to keep every detail of the way she looked to memory. I couldn't get enough of her. And her feeling the same way made my heart jump, which I've never felt or thought I'd ever feel. I had no idea how I ever was happy without her in my life. It seemed impossible. Yes I toured and was living the dream of many, but with her in my life now, that seemed to be a small reason for my smile now.

Fuck, I'm such a sap now. If you told me that I would be this much of a softy I would've punched you in the jaw. Yet, here I am, mindlessly running my fingers through the hair of the girl I've come to love in such a short period of time. Tomorrow was two months, but it seemed like I just met her yesterday, while also feeling like I've known her my whole life. All mixed up, those feelings are confusing as fuck. But made sense ...somehow..idk I'm not used to this. At all.

Kimmy looked up at me as I was running my hand along her hair still and lifted herself up to kiss my lips. Making my stomach feel like I was on a roller coaster. As if it was our first. I looked into her eyes and kissed her again, deeper this time. My hand resting on her hips and pulled slightly as the kiss lingered. We were still in front of our friends. No need for a boner because I will never live that down with them. We just grinned like idiots and turned our attention back to Jess and Madison until the sun set.

Our huge group made our way out of the park, each of us engulfed in our partners. Ashton and Ashley holding hands and sharing quick kisses here and there. Mikey and Jess talking while Mikey questioned where to put his hand and decided on resting his arm on her shoulder. Luke and Madison shyly walking side by side with red cheeks and smiles. And then Kimmy and I walking with my arm around her shoulders and her arm at my waist, me just leaning in to leave kisses along her jawline and make her weak at my touch.

We eventually made it back to the hotel, Mikey and Luke saying bye to the girls back at the parking lot. Ashton and Ashley stayed back for a while, and the rest of us went to the room. Ending the perfect day, but having many more to come. I knew it.

Authors Note

Filler but I said feelings a lot in this chapter so my bad lol. But its cute so why not. I'm glad people are liking this even though its not the best book so thank you for reading this far. I mean it. ♡

Jfnwkjdj school starts in a week for me and I'm not prepared for this. Please help me.

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Love you guys

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