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Kimmys POV

"Thanks for dropping me off guys. I can walk from here." I said as I tried to open the door. I didn't want my dad to see I was with four boys, since we dropped off Ashley already. I was in enough trouble as it was.

"No problem Kimmy. Are you sire you wanna walk? We can take you to the house?" Ashton questioned.

"Babe, I don't want you walking alone. At least let me take you?" I heard Calum say. I took a look at his puppy dog pout and melted. Fuck, he was good.

"Ok but you can't walk all the way with me. My dad will flip..."

"Ok deal. I'll walk back to the hotel guys. I have to make sure she gets home safe." He closes the door and took my hand into his. Ashton then drove off.

I looked at the time, and it was 10:30. I've came home later then that. I'll be fine...

Calum and I just walked together and talked about nothing. It was so great to have someone you can just talk to without ever getting bored. We never ran out if things to say, we didn't keep things from each other. I don't think I've ever been this happy.

"Ok, we're here. Text me when you get inside and tell me what happens. I don't want to be the reason you get in trouble." His eyes drifted to the floor, guilt apparent on his expression.

"Hey, I'll be fine. Nothing's your fault. This was the best day of my life because of you. Don't be sad." I stood on my tip toes to try and reach his lips. He saw me struggling and bent his head a little to peck my lips. We said goodbye and I slowly walked to my dark porch. Fuck. I knew I was about to walk into hell.

I finally opened the door as slowly and quietly as I could. It was probably the quietest I've ever done it. But that didn't stop me from getting caught. All I felt was the back of a strong, callused hand sweep across my face and a boot kick my stomach. I doubled over with the surprised pain and fell to the ground, a feeling I was too familiar with. My head started to spin as I heard my fathers voice drone on. I couldn't even make out what he was saying, but I knew he was screaming. You could see it in his face.

I let my eyes close slowly, trying to make my eyes focus when I reopened them. But it seemed the more I tried to focus my vision, the worse it got. I heard the voice go for a little longer and felt another kick to the gut before he walked back into his room. I settled on my back, arching my back to try and expand my lungs so I could breathe right. The only breathes I got were short, gaspy ones, and my head was spinning still. I just layed there, waiting for what seemed like a roller coaster to stop.

After a while, my head stopped spinning and my eyes could slightly focus on what was in front of me. I kept still though, not wanting to move and make what I was feeling worse. Once I knew I was able to move without my head wanting to explode, I wobbled to the bathroom.

I leaned against the sink for support to help me stand as I looked over my wounds. My face was scratched right underneath my right eye and on my forehead, my nose had a little blodd coming from it, and my head ache did not improve. But the real damage was when I lifted my shirt up.

The right side of my whole rib cage was turning a green-purple color and I could feel something was not in the right place. I pushed on it and heard a loud pop. Yep, that hurt. But it went to the right spot. My stomach had a few small bruises appearing across its skin too. And I could feel the blood just rushing to the spots of impact.

I put a small towel under cold water to ease the swelling of my stomach and ribs, and got another one for my face. I just used tissue paper for my nose and went to get dressed to sleep. I tried to be as quiet as I could because I didn't want my injuries to worsen. I reached my room and closed the door and reached for my clothes.

After changing, I kept the towels on my face and stomach and went to go to bed. Crap... I had to text Cal.

My Girlfriend: Hey I made it home are you Ok?

Big Lips Baby Bf: Yea just on my way to the hotel. I know your tired so sleep well, babe. Goodnight :* dream of me ;)

My Girlfriend: I always do ;) goodnight Cal sleep well baby

I set my phone on my night stand, careful to not move too fast so I didn't wince out loud due to pain. I thought about all the things that happened today and it eased my mind from the earlier occurrence. And somehow, I fell asleep.

Authors Note

Ok Ok I'm not alright I have to stay up to listen to 5sos's new song and at this point all this is too much. I can't wait to hear it omg. But I like sleep so they are lucky I love them. I would not stay up for anyone else.

Anyways this chapter is a huge turn from the last but I hope you like it!! Vote and comment what you think about the new song 'Shes Kinda Hot' when it comes out and how you like the book so far. Ughh can't wait. I know it will be amazing.

This book has gotten more attention then I thought possible and its amazing thank you for reading!!

Love you guys

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