Dance Battle

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*Calums POV

I really didn't want to let her walk the rest of the way to her house by herself. Something could have happened to her. Or maybe utd because I never wanted to leave her presence. But meeting her dad is a scary thought when we weren't even a couple yet, so I let Kimmy walk the half block like she wanted.

I was so protective of her. And it was scary how attached I was already. Usually on tour, I'm the one with a bad boy image and I don't really get to know anyone this closely. I never had a relationship and like Ash said, I never even kissed a girl like that while touring. So this was a shock not only to my band members, but to me as well.

Before even getting to my hotel, I texted Kimmy to check up on her. I asked her if she made it home and waited for a response as I walked around a street corner to my hotel. It was huge and I was wondering how it stayed in business considering it didn't really fit the surrounding of the small town. But we stayed there so I guess that's how.

I texted Kimmy back after she replied and opened the door to my room. All eyes turned to me. My band was so nosy.

"Heeyyy look its lover boy!! How was spending time with ...Kiimmmyyy," Michael dragged the name out with a higher pitched tone of voice to make it sound 'romantic'. Asshole.

"None of your business, mate," I retaliated, trying to hide my smirk from the earlier events. It was too hard. I smirked a little.

"No, something happened, Hood. Your smirking like a school girl," Damn Luke had a big mouth. "Tell us man."

"No its not anything big."

"Your falling dude. I told you!" Michael screamed like he just found the cure for cancer.

I thought about it for a while. So what if I was? Its not like I was in love yet, obviously. But I knew she made me happier then I have been in the past.

"Shut up, mate, not even." I shrugged it off like it was nothing, even though it could be true.

"Whatever, but just be careful, Calum. I don't want you doing something you'll regret." Ashton butted in.

"Lay of the father routine, Ash." We all laughed and changed the subject. I was only half listening though as I continued my text conversation with Kimmy. She had so much sass for someone who seemed as shy as herself. It was kinda hot.

I wanted to ask her if she could hang out again tomorrow, but I thought I should keep that until morning. Gives me an excuse to text her good morning. Even though I didn't need one.

I put my phone down and joined the groups conversations after I told her goodnight. They were rambling about who was a better dancer, Mike or Luke.

""Luke, dude, come on that's too easy." Ashton said,instantly going for the blonds side.

"No way, my hips move way better then his." Mikael defended.

"Mikey, your hips move like a dying walrus. No offense." I jumped in.

"Whatever Calum. I dance better then you."

"Oh really? Let's settle this then," I stood up, hopping onto my feet and posing with one arm straight into the air and the other on my hip. Total dance battle pose. Went well with the song choice too.

Luke played the weirdest disco music I've ever heard and both me and Michael acted like it was the perfect song. We started doing weird dance moves and jumping up and down, causing a lot of noise. We sis this everywhere we went, though, so it wasn't surprising. Soon it wasn't a dance battle anymore, just us being completely stupid. Michael doing wanna be ninja flips, Ashton trying to tackle Luke, and eventually we all just fell onto the floor from either Ashton making us or from pure exhaustion.

Moments like these made me love being in a band with my best friends. We get to do what we love with the people we love. We were the goofiest band you will ever meet, trust me. And I wouldn't have it any other way.

We finally got up after laughing for five minutes just laying on the ground. I sat on the cough still out of breathe while Luke went to get water for everyone. After that, we were all kinda thirsty. We kept talking but one by one, we started drifting to sleep, me being the last one.


The next day we had rehearsals to go to. They were fun, but playing for a long time always made my hands hurt. Today was a short paractice, so it wouldn't be that bad. All we l had to do was go over the new album once and then we were set. After that I could hang out with Kimmy again. God, I was turning into a sap already.

I sent her a text asking if she could hang out before we practiced. She agreed and asked what time. We settled on 2 and to meet at the park. Which was perfect because I wanted a quiet place to talk to her about something important....

Authors Note

Ughhh so its kinda obvious whats gonna happen but yea. If you need to talk about anything or want to make suggentions, comment away! I feel like this isn't good but I'll keep going cause I have nothing better to do lol.

But I hope you enjoy this book and keep reading.

Love you guys

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