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*Calums POV

"What the hell was that?" Ashton questioned me as I caught up with the rest of the group.

"Uhh...I'm not even sure.." I admitted. I don't know why I went that far with Kimmy. I barely met her and I usually don't give girls I barely meet a second glance. But, there was something about her. The way she was so comfortable with us, yet shy. The way she looked to the ground as soon as our eyes met. I can't figure it out.

"Well how come she gets kisses like that and I'm stuck as a side, Calum, baby?" Luke joked with a smirk.

"Cause babe, people can't know about us. One day, one day." I said dramatically as Luke and I reached for each other, pretending like we were in a sucky rom-com. I'm glad the boys and I can still mess around like this even though the fame we've recently stumbled upon.

"Well, all I know is that I've never seen you even kiss a girl since we've gotten here, especially like that." Ashton interrupted mine and Luke's little moment.

"Well, excuse me father I'm sorry for kissing a fan. I'll be more cautious next time. Please, don't hit me daddy." I laughed at the expression Ashton was sending my way. He was the one to always act like the dad while we were on tour. Which made sense since he was the oldest.

"Let's just get back to the hotel. My feet are killing meeeeee!!" Michael exclaimed out of nowhere.

"Sounds like a plan. First one to the hotel doesn't have to do laundry!" Luke yelled as he ran down the street, taking off already.

"Not faiiirrrr!" Michael and I said in sync as we both started running after the tall blond.

"Be careful you guys!" Ashton fathered. He needs to take it easy with the parenting.

The fact that I took two years of track in high school helped me. I barely passed Luke as we got to the corner of the hotel. He tried saying he won, but he cheated anyway, so he's a loser.

We walked up the stairs breathlessly, still laughing from our race. Finally getting to our room, I felt my phone buzz. I looked to see a number that wasn't saved in my phone. Who found my number this time? Looking at the message though, I realized I gave my number to this person.

Kimmy Cutie: Really? Big lips baby?

Big Lips Baby: Well if I didn't put it there, you would have ;)

Kimmy Cutie: No I would have put Big Lips Calum duhh

Big Lips Baby: Wow, not even baby? Rude

Kimmy Cutie: Shuddup lol I'm not mean

Big Lips Baby: You better keep that name the same, too ;)

Big Lips Baby: Not like it isn't true ;) ;*

Kimmy Cutie: True ;) it will stay

I smiled at my phone. Why did she make me so happy. I barely knew her. But even just texting her made me smile like an idiot. I'm not used to this.

"Awwww look at Calum smiling at his phone! Did Kimmy text you or something?" Michael pointed out my flushed cheeks.

"Shut up mate." I dissed.

"She did! How us she making you smile like that already. Damn, Calum. You're falling hard."

"No im not I don't even know her that well..." I trailed off.

"Whatever man. Don't hit your head that hard when you fall."

"Go to bed, asshole." I said as I threw a pillow his direction. I thought for a while on whether I should text Kimmy back, and then I picked my phone.

Big Lips Baby: Goodnight ;) don't think about me too much babe

Kimmy Cutie: I can say the same to you .. Goodnight ;)

Damn...what is happening?

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