Chapter Two: THTOSL

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             ~Senior year. Yay... Not.~


I stepped out my of my shower, being careful not to slip. 'Bathrooms are the number one place people die.' The voice said. I know that thanks! I replied sarcastically to it. I feel stupid sometimes. Ya'know, talking to a voice that's really my own. I wrapped a light blue fluffy towel around my body and walked up to the mirror in my bathroom. I swiped the steam with my hand and stared at my bright green eyes. And it was everytime I looked at myself...

The eyes reminded me of my Father, framed with natrually long black lashes. I then looked at my dripping black midnight hair that was going on and down my back, almost to my waist. I got that from my Dad too.

I looked away. I didn't want to see myself. I didn't like to. Everyday I was ashamed of myself. I sighed. I walked back to my room. I lived in my own apartment. No one knew I lived alone. And I had plenty lovely opportunties to live in wonderful places. But I chose apartment belonging to my parents no one ever used.

But I did now. It was completely furnished, which was great. I just took my parents backup money. I'm sure they did'nt mind... Since they were dead and all. Wanna know what today was?

Today was the first day of senior year. Fun? No. Oh, excuse me, I meant:

Hell no.

High school was a disaster. A place I wish never existed. Sure, I sound like a normal teen, but I really hated school. And today was the day I would go back. From the boring vacation I had away from it. I rather be bored out of my mind then go back to that hell hole.

There was no backing out now. I transfered myself to a new high school way farther from where I lived before. It might've been stupid, and you might think I didn't think this through. But, oh I did. It would save less attention if I enrolled myself. I pretended to use my mothers voice. Which turned out awry, but they bought it.

I grumpily got dressed. I pulled on a pair of black jeans.They were fitting (meaning pretty tight). I put on a white T-shirt that had silver swirls all over. It was also snug. Not like I couldn't pull it off, I had the body for it. I didn't get wolf-whistles for nothing. I pulled on some grey suede ankle boots. I was obbsessed with those kind of shoes.

I let my hair natraully wave it's self out. I put on medium sized silver earring hoops. I checked the time on my bedside looking away from my mirror. Seven forty six. Damn.

I put on white eyes shadow. Put my black eyeliner and mascara. I wasn't getting dressed up for anyone special. Nor did I want to. I didn't get another boyfriend after Christian (I pushed the sudden sting in my chest). I might've broke a few hearts and played with a little bit of them, but nothing serious. I blocked any other boys out. Hurting them if I had to. I laughed out loud.

No one pin-pointed the way I looked to know how to fight. Heh.

Yeah, I only dressed up for myself. I liked making myself feel pretty. Enjoying the glares I would get from girls, green with envy. I didn't pay to much attention from them though. Boys broke their necks to catch a glance at me. Some how it made me feel like a tease. It was amusing though.

I starting walking out my bedroom in a rush. As I went down my hallway I rembered my brother. I shuddered. I need to get those thoughts out my head. They weren't healthy. Walking more quicker that I was before, I practically ran to get out that part of my apartment.

I grabbed a cold strawberry poptart, shoving it in my mouth. I took a water bottle from my rather small refrigerator. And grabbed my black sweater off it's hook. Since the weather guy said it was gonna be chilly. I walked out my door, keys in my hand. It was freakin' sunny outside, from where I could see out the window. I quickly thumped back in my house, unlocking it. I grabbed my dark tinted glasses that covered alot of my face.

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