Chapter Twenty Five: THTOSL

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I groaned sleepily, taking in the pounding in my head. It wasn't good. Definitely was not good. I only these type of headaches when I... I.. didn't get drunk, did I? Aw man! I did. This sucks! I toned down the shouting in my head, it only made my head hurt more. Okay, what's the last thing I remember? I asked myself.

 I remember parting with John, because he said he had to get something from the store. "Bye Sammy-girl." He had whisprered, then kissed my forehead. And he left. On his own time. It was different. I threw my arm over my already closed eyes. Okay, then, when I was in the cabin alone, Connor popped his head in, around eight, asking if he wanted to 'join the party'. I agreed.

I'm a dumbass for doing it. Then... I groaned, picturing the scene:

"Your seriously up for it?" Connor asked excitedly. I shrugged,

"Sure, why not, right?" I said nonchalantly.

"Right! He tallied. I got off my bunk, slipping on my flip flops. I was getting used to them. Maybe that was a bad thing..? John liked me casual. He said so. Ugh, why do I care what he likes? I don't! I don't care if he liked the way I looked or not. I didn't have to be self-conscious for him. I wasn't self-conscious for anyone! I pushed the thoughts away, following Connor out.

The "party" was full swing. And the odd part, there wasn't a teacher in sight. Unlike like yesterday. The same DJ was there, but he looked like he was in college. So if this was possibly a secret party, he wouldn't be responsible and let it carry on. Not snitching. Probably was good.

I looked at the people with innocent eyes, blinking. Maybe being a senior was getting my bad side out. I was partying too much. Maybe. I followed Connor though the mass of people.

"Is this secret?" I questioned curiously. He looked over his shoulder, the slightly long hair boping as he nodded.


"So there's like, alcohol here?" I asked.

"Mmmhm!" He hummed cheerfully.

"So you have some?" I pressed.

"Yep, sure do."

"Can I have some?" I blurted. Why? Did I want to drink. My head was telling me I didn't. Oh wait, that was my conscience calling me a stupid ass and telling me not to. Who listened to it/her/him anyway? I didn't. Huh. That could be a bad thing.

But I wanted to get things out of my head, just for a little while. I was probably making a stupid mistake. I mean, I could be responsible and go back to the cabin. Alone. And wallow in my own guilt of my family. Even though it wasn't my fault. Who cares, death, boys, simple complications of life I didn't want to deal with now, needed to go away.

I gave Connor an awaiting sare.

"Um, he... Aw, what the hell." He said hesitant, then got a bottle from who know's where. He was wearing a jeacket, despite the weather. Maybe they were in his jacket pockets...? Connor chuckled, then pointed to a set up table. With drinks on it. Oh.

"Oh, haha, yeah..." I trailed off sheepishly. He laughed a little along with me. I looked down at the bottle in his hand. Feeling indecisive, I gestured for the alcohol. He gave it to me with a smile, and -I this time saw- got his own from the table. Grabbing the nearest bottle opened and well, opened the damn thing. I gave a mock salute to Connor, taking a sip.

In all honesty, I didn't know what it was. But it was throat-burning. I looked at the front. Everclear... That sounded familiar.. Oh yeah! It was banned from our state! ... What the hell was Connor doing with illegal liquor?

The Hard Times Of Samantha LaceTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang