Chapter Twenty Three: THTOSL

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Hope you guys like this. I can't believe I'm on chapter twenty three already. =') Makes me feel proud. I just want to say thnx to anyone who added this to their library & kept coming back to read. <3 Means alot! :'D

  ~Jealousy? Ash knows... kinda. And, realizations~

It was comepletely fustrating, trying to figure that guy out. Yeah- Guy! It was our first encounter nickname. Hostile. That's would I would be. John wanted to get a girl's number? Fine. I could do the same (but with males, of course). Do you know how many guys asked me for my number yesterday? Countless...

"Hey." Another guy said, coming up next to me. Maybe I should stop turning them down. I smiled which he returned.

"Hi. I'm Sam."

"You know, I was listening to the radio yesterday, and they said girl's with guy names are usually hot." He said. It was very random.

"My full name is Samantha." I informed. His shoulders slumped,

"Oh." After a while he stood straight again. "Your still cute." A grin came onto my face again,


"Your welcome. I'm Eric, by the way." He looked like a Eric. Dirty blonde hair, blue eyes and adorable dimples. He was very cute. [Kellan lutz for Eric, woo!]

"Nice to meet you."

"I could say the same." I rolled my eyes, but soon thought this was why I dressed the way I did. I was a tease. That's what I was labeled as. I couldn't say I minded much.

"Guy's are so cheesy." I said.

"Not all of them."

"You are." I joked.

"Damn, I try to be orginal." Eric said with a feign sad expression.

"That's really too bad." I said with a sypathetic face.

"So, what's the digits?" He asked, nudging me.

"What makes you think I'll give them to you?" I asked with a raised brow.

"I know you will." He responded confidently. I sighed mockingly, but gave him the number which he typed into his phone. I didn't know why he had it on him. It was kinda cheap anyway. He was in beach attire. With trunks and (like almost every other boy here) no shirt. But I wasn't really minding, 'cause he had great abs, like Joh-

Damn John and him popping into my mind.

"So, you live around here?" He asked, drifting to the tide. I followed, the waves crashing at our feet.

"Not really. I go to West Cheets High School." I said.

"Oh, your in high school?" He asked. I nodded,

"Yeah, sadly." I said.

"I go to Everest." He said, laughing.

"College." I stated blankly.

"Yeah, happily." He teased. I shook my head at him. Everest, the commercials popped into my head and I tried to imagine Eric on there. It was an amusing vision.

"How old are you?" I questioned.

"Nineteen." He drawled.

"I'm seventeen."

"Huh, jailbait." He stated thoughtfully.

"Thanks Eric." I said distastefully. I peeked over at him, he looked happy. Like a cheery guy. He probably was. No, he was. He suddenly smacked his forehead.

The Hard Times Of Samantha Laceजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें