Chapter One: THTOSL

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This is officially chapter one!I hope you guy like it! First story ever! Reaallly nervous! But u guys enjoy and... COTE! thnx. :)


"Mom! I wanna go! That isn't fair! Everyone else is going!" I screamed at my mother who denied letting me go to another party. Not like I was gonna listen anyways. Why should I? It was my life. I was seventeen years old. I could do whatever I wanted.

"Samantha, I. Said. No." My mother told me sternly. She didn't understand. I had a reputation. I much needed to keep. I didn't show up at the party and I would end up with no friends. What I didn't understand about me was: If I was going anyways - even without her permission - why was I putting up a fight?

"Well I'm going anyways. Nothing you can do or say to stop me. Later Mom." I said carelessly. I turned on my heel ready to go up the never ending staircase to my bedroom. But my mothers cracking voice stopped me in my tracks.

"Whats happen to you Sammy? You used to be so sweet, my little girl. Why are you doing this? Disobeying the people that love you." My mother was on the verge of tears.You could hear it in her voice. It cut me deep. Her words - I mean. But a rebelious child was who I was now.

"Whatever. I'm not a little girl anymore." I replied blankly. I hurried to my room. Slamming my door. In like two hours everyone would be asleep anyways.

Someones knocking cut me out my thoughts. I didn't think it was my mother. But whoever it was I just gave a muffled, "Go away."

My door suddenly opened. My brother came in. 'Dammit.' I thought. I should've locked the door. My bed dipped and I looked at my brother who sat on the edge of my bed.

"Why do you have to be like that Sam? Mom is bawling downstairs." My older brother said. He was a crack up. Stubborn person I was being all the time had to keep my laughter under check. He was funny, but could be serious too.

"Leave me alone." I said simply. Jake (that's his name) expression fell. He sighed and heaved himself up. When he was at the door he looked at my with his cystal blue eyes he got from my mom. I got my Dad's bright green ones.

"One of these days Sam... Your regret what your doing.I might not being very wise, but I'm smart enough to know my limits to being a asshole." Jake told me. He left without another word, slamming the door behind him.

I got up quickly and locked it. 'Drinking will calm you down.' A small voice in my head told me. I kind of a had a devil and angel. Like the ones people have on there shoulders in TV shows. The evil one and the innocent one. They were constantly bickering. So I blocked them out.

A few tears slipped and I stubornly wiped them away. I chose this. This was the person I was choosing! So it's only my own fault if I don't like the way things go... My Fault... Party life was just hard to get out of.

~(Two hours later)~

'Stupid heels!' I thought. I wondered how I was gonna get down. The people who were picking me up were no help at all. Well Blake -who was a guy that had a major crush me- told me to jump. Yeah, like I was that stupid. I did'nt want to die today. Looking down from my balcony I thought of what to do.

I took off my four inch heels and held them by the straps. I hopped over the balcony. Holding onto the railing from backwards. Suddenly a idea hatched into my head.

"Hey Blake!" I kinda yelled-whispered.

"What Sammy?" He replied. It was unmistakeble to think he wouldn't like me. I didn't know how long the crush has been going on, but it was cute in my eyes. Not in Christian's though, who was meeting us at the club. My stomach twisted in a good way.

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