Chapter Four: THTOSL

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  • Dedicated to All the cool wattpadders!

Here ya go! Enjoy. Vote and plz COMMENT. :)

    ~Fights and rule-breaking. In the same day~

I sat on the opposite chair John was, listening to lies pour out of his mouth telling the principal. And did I mention the princable was his father? Yeah, well, he was.

Perfect right?


I decided to be quiet. Judging when I would jump in when the lies got outta hand. John was basically telling his father a whole different story then what it really was.

"And we were simply telling Sam she was very prett-" John was cut off by me. That lying little-! Ugh!

"Mr. Kane, that is not what happened. Not the story at all. Let me start from the beggining, the truthful way." I looked at John when I said truthful, emphasising it. John was shooting daggers at me. Whatever. I crossed my leg over the other.

' Well, the class we just recently came from was going so well, we were learning the awesome history of...history. But this queer over here...' Okay, I'm sorry! I didn't say any of that to him. I wouldn't talk to a principal like that. I wish I did though. What I really said was:

"John and his friends were joking, and I wasn't paying any attention to them. Until my name came up, of course I was going to listen. John referred to me as 'hot' and hotter than J-lo or something. And I admit, I was eaves dropping, which probably wasn't nice, but at this point I was getting uncomfortable with the way I was being talked about." I said, being more posh than I really was.

I was having so much fun! Who knew? But seeing the principal being all serious and John clearly not enjoying being snitched on was hilarious! So I continued,

"They started talking about my body parts and such and that when I turned around and told them to shut up. The joking wasn't stopping so I got more hostile." I wanted to burst out laughing. This obviously was new to John. He was getting what he deserved though.

"Hostile how Miss Lace?" Mr. Kane asked. Well, that's gonna be answered!

"I raised my fist." I said truthfully. I hung my head in fake shame. Letting my hair fall around me to cover my goofy smile and my stifled laughfter.

"Well, that was inappropriate Miss Lace." The principal told me disaprovingly.

"Yes, I know. But, the guys only made more comments and they were betting on me. Which I find very inappropriate." I said smartly.

"Yes, yes. I see where your coming from Samantha. What were they betting on, about you - I mean." The principal was -and you could tell- really cool.

"On how quick John would get me in bed. Not exactly like that, but John can tell you it exactly. He was the one who said it." I replied smugly as the subject went onto Johns shoulders. But the only thing that came out Johns mouth was;

"She called us faggots!" Was't he smart? No.

"Yeah well, what you guys were saying were way worse!" I argued.

"Well, I can't help if it's true!" John said voice going louder.

"Look moron, your the one who got us here so you shut up! It's not my fault you want what you can't have!"

"Oh, I will get you- you watch!"

"Well I'm watching! And guess what? Nothings happening, and nothing will!"

Me and John were now constantly bickering. Like, full blown argueing. This was the side girls did'nt see. I'm sure John has been to the principal's office plenty of times. Bad boy was just part of him. It was in his Style. His additude. I'm almost positive he never showed this to girls.

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