Chapter Nineteen: THTOSL

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 ~Unvited guest, unknown flirting, and unique conversations~ 

I jolted up. I sighed after a couple of seconds. How many times have l told myself not to take naps mid-day? 'Not enough apparently.' Apparently. I got up from my couch and padded over to my bathroom. I picked up my brush and brushed out the knots that formed over the hours. It was wavy today, instead of it thickness of straight. I liked it curly. I'd have to make it like that for tomorrow.

I rebrushed my teeth and after searched under the sink for my curling iron. I brought it out, leaving it on the counter of the sink and literally skipping into my kitchen. I stopped dead, probably looking a cartoon character who just skids to a stop.


Ah crap. How can I just be all lollie-dandy when I have this to worry about. 'Why is it worry-worthy?' Yeah, why was it. It was all up to me to decide how I wanted it to go. Well, not really, if it was I would push the feelings away completely. But I can't do that, now can--

The doorbell rang.

Not the one from outside my door either. From the outside of the building. See, I know because theres two different chimes. I looked down at my attire. Yoga pants coming just to right above the knee that pretty much fit like a second skin and a half shirt. Basically like a bra but it had sleeves and was plain white. I walked over to my door, walked out, closed it behind me and trampled down the stairs.

I hesitated by the door, but eventually unlocked it and peeked out. It was kinda late for it but, speak of the devil.

"Hey." John said, his hands stuffed in his pockets. I fully opened the door so the coversation would be more meaningful. It really just gave John a reason to look at my all the way. I cleared my throat, crossing my arms over my chest which I'm sure just rised my cleavage from my daring U-neck.

"Oh, um.." It really just looked like he had nothing to say. I tilted my head and he looked away, blushing? It was definitely creeping up his neck and, man was it cute. Hey, hey! John or not, blushing guys are just adorable. Especially if the guy is already adorable. I mentally slapped my fore head.

"I thought I told you not to come." I reminded quietly.

"Uh, yeah. I just..." He sighed. He didn't say anything else, and neither did I. Instead he just gently shoved me to the side and walked past me and I heard his footfalls going up my stairs. I closed the main door and all the way up the stairs my mind sat in disbelief. He just invited himself in.

"You know, guest aren't usually this rude." I said when I finally made it to my apartment. John sat on my couch and I closed the door.

"Well, host are usually nicer." He shot back. Right now, I was going to be catious, no feel-y touch-y between me and John Kane.

"You weren't invited." Yeah, we kinda had comeback after comeback.

"Yeah, well..." Ha, got 'em!

"What do you want John?" I asked. He stood up,

"Oh, have you ate yet?" He asked.

"I was about to actually." I said.

"Wanna go grab something?" He notified. I bit my lip, a image of McDonalds coming into mind. You know, you only live once, and I shouldn't spend it wallowing over things that were in the past. That did not mean I was going to give John a chance. By no means.

"Yeah... Yeah, 'kay, lets go." I said, heading towards my door.

"Uhh, Kitty?" John said, sounding like he was stifling laughter. I turned,

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