Prologue: The Hard Times Of Samantha Lace

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Hey people! Thank you for reading. This is my first story! >.< Vote & comment! I'm not gonna say vomment. 'Cos that sounds like vomit sooo... Cote? Yes! thats better - cote. Sounds like coat, so yah, COTE PLEASE!! :D Akon/bonethugs, I tried so hard >.> (Lol, doesn't match the prolo, but I like the song). Enjoy!


             My life wasn't normal. I made it that way. It all changed when I turned fifteen. That's when I blocked people out and considered my life dull. I wanted more. I wanted adventure. Something I didn't think family could give me. Boy, was I wrong. You know the saying, ' You don't know what you lost till it's gone?' Well that explained me perfectly. I didn't know what I was losing.

I thought I didn't need anybody. And I knew everything. I was smarter than everyone.

But I wasn't.

I was a child. Not even over eighteen yet. Not allowed to vote, smoke or drink. But I did anyway. That's when the party's started, and I started going. When I would sneek out after curfew. Not listening to my parents at all. A hung out with a new clique. Ignoring people who have been nothing but generous to me. 'Cause thats the person I wanted to be. 

But I didn't lose everything because I was being a complete female dog. No - because they died. All five of them. The five family members that meant the world to me.

My Mother was the one who cooked and washed clothes. Doing all of her motherly duties. For my father. My siblings. Me. And I didn't appreciate it. Me, the selfish person I was being, wasn't grateful for the things other kids would dream of.

There was my Father who worked his tail off to pay for the enormous gorgeous house we had. Well more like mansion. He would come home from his very successful business and watch T.V. with my brothers.

And oh! - My brothers were the biggest... Pains! My twelve year old brother, he would listen on the other line of my phone to listen to my conversations. Which was ordered by my older-nineteen-year-old-brother. Who was goofy. But always protective of me. And then there was my little sister. Only a year younger than be. But acted hell of more mature.

And I lost them all.

I put the blame on me. Even if there deaths weren't my fault. I should've cherished the moments I had with them. I should've told them I loved them everyday. But there was no room for that. With the parties beyond parties I would go to.

They all died. In the same day. Or night. And I didn't get to say a proper goodbye. Me being drunk and was so stoned on pot everything was funny to me. I remember everything. I went completely sober. I just had there faces in my mind. The faces that were twisted in agony. That I could do nothing about. I thought it was all some horrible nightmare when I awoke.

But it wasn't some bad dream. Where I could sit up and scream "Mommy!" Scurry to there room and get under the covers. Because there was no Mother to run to. And when it finally sunk in the next day... I just remember screaming. And it was coming from me. So loud that it echoed through all the walls. It was chilling, cold, and completely heart - broken for not having a single person to run to. I slammed a random vase on the tabel next to me at the wall. Went into a fit of sobs and shut myself down.

Shouting at all the nurses there, unbelieving my parents and brothers and sister were gone. Therefore I was in a hospital. But it wasn't me who was hurt. Or hell - dead. But inside I died. Inside my chest hurt. Like part of me was gone. Leaving a hole in a heart. It was only three days after I turned seventeen. And... What the hell was seventeen gonna go by herself. All alone? Because it was that awful day I considered my life hard.

   Me, Samantha lace. Was having one damn hard life.


Okay, This is the prologue. Hope you enjoyed it. Chapter one is when things pick up. Stay tuned and have a rocking day! Or night. Which ever. Later peeps! :)

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