Chapter Eight: THTOSL

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:)   ~Talk about annoyance!~

Why was math so hard? I mean, what was the use in numbers? They somehow all connected. So why did I have to do all this calculus? I was perfectly happy with simple addition. I sighed. After several minutes I gave up on the problem. I padded out of my room and into the kitchen. I looked in the fridge. Nada.

My phone rang. Do I know anyone who could be calling?' Why don't you answer it and find out?' Even though the voice was cocky, it was right. I flipped open my phone.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Heeeeey, this is Ashley." The voice said back. Ashley? Oh! Yeah, that hyper girl.I  smiled even though she could'nt see it.

"Oh, hey.What's up?" I did the usual greeting. Or I think it was usual. I haven't talked to a friend in a long time. I slumped in my kitchen chair. I wasn't even social anymore. I'm so pathetic.

"I'm calling to tell you, your invited to a party." Ashley said enthusiastically. I sat up straight as soon as I heard this. A party. I haven't been to a party since my parents... And that was only nine months ago. I put a hand over my frantic heart.

"Um, that's alright, I don't need you inviting me, I uh, I don't like parties..." I lied. This was hard for me .And I wanted to get over it! Something just restrained me from having fun. To be in contact with the world again..

"That's nonsense girly, your goin' even if I gotta drag you there!" Ashley declared. Oh god. A party?Was I really up for it? I did'nt have the best feeling about this, but it was'nt bad.

"Who's party?" I asked.

"My brothers. He's always doing crazy partie-Oh, that probably makes you not wanna go. But sometimes it makes people wanna go even more. I'm sorry I just don't know you that well, and if you like parties and stuff! Jeez! I talk to much, but..."She babbled. I laughed, but I doubt she heard me.

"Alright, alright Ashley, I'm going. When is it?" I asked to shut her up.

"Tomarrow." She answered casually. Tommarow? So soon? Yeesh, I sound like a stupid out-cast who knows nothing about partying. I'm supposed to be syked about this. I'm should be estatic to go and get drunk. God bless teen parties. I slapped my forehead. Could this be good?

"Did the word get around already?" I questioned.

"Please Sam, anyone who's anyone is gonna be there. Let me give you the address." So she did. I knew that place, nothing but rich people are around there. I sighed softly.

"You alright?" Ashley asked concerned. I smiled to myself.

"Just peachy."


"Why are you always so quiet?" Ashley asked. I shrugged.Then I rembered she could'nt see it.

"I don't know. To be honest, I used to talk too much. Like you." I slapped my hand over my mouth.

"I'm so sorry, I did'nt mea-"

"It's alright Sam. I get that alot. It does'nt bother me."Ashley replied coolly.

"What do teen girls talk about?" I asked.Even though I knew. They talked about makeup. The newest purse they just got from London. The next boy they were going on a date with. The newest boob job they just got. Haha. Just to name a few things.

"Boys! Really, really cute boys." Ashley chirped. This made me groan. Causing her to giggle. It was nice. Making someone laugh. Well, besides John.But he was usually laughing at me.

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