Chapter Seven: THTOSL

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Here you go! Another chapter up. This one kinda sucks cuz It wasn't savin' right, so I had to do it all over again. SIGH! But readers are worth it. I think the first time was better but, this is what I got. Hope you like it! :)

 ~Memories of love. Hey, something in common!~

"Kiiiiiiiiitty? Kitty? Sam... Sammy? SAM!" John shouted.

"What?!" I yelled back.

"Hi." John said. So. Damn. Annoying!

"I'm bored." John stated.

"Are'nt we all?" I said sarcastically.

"No, considering were the only two here." John pointed out. I sighed.

"Well, I'm bored too." I said. "No," I cut John off before he could finish the horrid suggestion. To another girl the idea might of not seemed so awful, but having a makeout session with John -to me- wasn't so pleasant. "Your annoying." I told him.

"I know you are." He agreed. Yeah thought so!.. Wait, I said he was annoying.

"Way to be mature." I  said.

"I'm mature." John argued.

"Yeah. Sure, sure." I said sarcastically. He sighed dramatically.

"What? You gonna roll your eyes again?" I asked. He procceded with his act. Rolling his eyes with the same dramatic-ness as before. I decided to insult him. Just out of boredom. But I asked first. Which was incredibly stupid.

 "Can I insult you?" I asked sweetly. I was expecting him to say no.

"Yeah, sure. Give it your best shot." John said casually. I shrugged in my head. Okay.

"You are a...Annoying, jerk face, man-slut, discombobulated mother f-"

"What's discombobulated?" He cut in. I honestly didn't know. I just felt like saying it. I got to look that up some time.

"Don't interrupt me. Do I interrupt you?" I asked.


"Never mind." I cut off. Yellow smiley face. I decided to leave him alone.

"Wanna play truth or dare?" John asked boredly. It seemed like I could leave him alone. But he could'nt leave me.


"C'mon! It'll be fun." HE urged. I pretended to think.

"Umm- No."

"Please?" He pleaded. I rolled my eyes. What the hell, why not?

"Fine. Dare." I never picked truth ,thats for wussy's. Then I looked at the person I was playing with. My eyes went wide when John was about to say something.

"Wait! I gotta rule." I  said.

"What?" John asked impatiently.

"No dare's to your enjoyment." I stated. Crossing my arms. John sighed. That means he was gonna probably tell me to do something bad. John thought about what to tell me.

"Okay, walk around the class three times." John directed. I shrugged. Easy enough. If he thought I was scared about getting caught by a teacher, he was wrong. When I was half way around the class room I wondered why John was staring at me. It took the second time around to realize why.

"Hey! Your violating the rules!" I scolded. He shrugged.

"What am I doing?" He said carelessly. I turned side ways and tapped my butt.

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