Chapter Thirty: THTOSL

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Ah- omg, chap 30. I'm so freaking out right now, I got to the 30 mark quick.. well, it seems that way anyway. =] Can't believe there isn't any action yet. *Hint, hint* ;) But theres still alotta things needed to be unraveled, and, yeah. I like the song ova there >.> Click Five, woo. :P Hehe, goes with John, I think. Oh, yeah. And, theres gonna be a big bada bing-- BOOM. ^_^ Well, I guess. K, Enjoy:

I hate school, I hate school, I hate school. I chanted to myself, walking briskly. Okay, more like limping. I hurt my ankle yesterday. But who's the dumbass that loves heels? Me. Stupid Winter, I hate it. It made Florida rainy.  But, it was like an accident waiting to happen. I looked at my boots- yeah, boots, boots. Real ones. flat one's even. God, I hate Monday's. I hate December. I hate boots. I hate rainy days.

I hate school...

And it's a shame, hate is such a strong word...

Screw it.

I threw open the classroom door, seeing the teacher wasn't there, and was probably running late. Thank God. I thought thankfully, rushing to my seat. I pulled out my caculas homeowrk with a sigh, running a hand through my hair. I can't wait for today to be over, 'cause were going on Winter Break. I know, I guess there is something good about it. But: Still.

"Monday's suck." I stated randomly, to the grey eyed guy in the seat beside me.

"It's just like Sunday." He reasoned. I stared at John incredulously,

"No it isn't." I protested, shaking my head, "Their totally different."

"Your not wearing death-traps today." He noticed. "What's the occasion?"

"Ha-ha." I said sarcastically, going over my paper again. "So funny."

"No, seriously."

"Just be quiet." I grumbled, shaking my hair out my face. It was getting to long, I think I might cut it. To annoying. Well, me and Ashley were shopping yesterday (Yeah, ew) and then I totally tripped, and- Bam... Well, I slipped. There's nothing to it except Mother Nature hates me... Freakin' hates! And John when out somewhere with his friends, somewhere I don't know.

It wasn't like I was super curious or anything.

I mean, John and I hasn't talked since the day before. Except for just a few seconds ago, but, you know... I figured being casual and skipping the awkward part would work better for me. And it did. So, I tapped my pencil impatiently on my desk for the teached to walk in the classroom. I hate school. I whined again internally.

I asked John a mathmatic question, asking if I was rigth with the answer. He just nodded like it was the most obvious thing in the world. But hey, cut me some slack. I mean, I hate math. It just sucked. I smiled fakely in his direction, showing him I wasn't too offended.

"What are you doing today?" He asked randomly. I looked over at him through the screen of my hair, and shook my head.

"Nothin' much." I answered, sighing at how pathetic it sounded.


"No." I answered before he could get two words in.

"Why not?" He asked.

"Because, from here on out, you would take it differently." I explained. It surprised me how we both knew what the subject was even though we didn't say it.

"Since when?" He pressed.

"Since like... two weeks ago." I replied.

"Don't you mean; you take it differently?" He asked. I frowned with my eyebrows,

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