Chapter Eighteen: THTOSL

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So, I was wonderin' about my story. I wanna know if it's any good? I enjoy writing it for personal entertainment but, ya know, people likin' it would be cool. Only sometimes I get like 1 vote on not even every chapter. I'm not bring greedy, because the people who do vote are freakin' amazing. But I know I get like 50 veiws on each chap, more or less. Is that silent readers, the ones who don't wattpads accounts? Or just people who are not giving my story the time of day 2 vote and comment? Idk, but I'm glad some people enjoy this. Thanx <3

   ~True feelings, a kiss, and 'so not happening!'~

<<\John's POV/>>

So many things to think about, so damn many things. Then again, what wasn't there to think about when it came to Sam? I never thought this hard about a girl before. But it was nice, I usually think about what chick to get with next. But, why should I? One of them only fills my mind, leaving no room for others.

It kind of frightned me, why wasn't I calling up the blondes? The blondes that had extensions, with the fake blue contacts, overly long finger nails, and who had boob jobs. I tried picturing the ones like that I have been with. At the moment they didn't appeal to me. I don't think they ever would anymore.

No, not when there was an amazing girl I would see tommorow. One with thick pitch black hair, real baby green eyes that I was sure had a tinge of orange in them when you looked close enough. She had a natural body, that was so... Perfect. As the image came into my my head her sweet face erased and all I pictured was her body. I groaned. Oh this girl, if only she knew what she did to me.

Samantha Lace. It must've been the best name on the damn planet.

Today, when I pranked her, I didn't expect her to react the way she did. I defintely didn't expect to see her what she was in. Oh man, I shuddered. She really did have a perfect little body. She belly button peircing. I smiled. That was pretty sexy. The intimate position we were in...

'Oh man, the girl IS hot, but will you stop rambling about her before you get hard?'

Shut up, go away! Damn voices. Yet, they were kinda right... No, no! I had more self control than that... Ha, not with Kitty. My mind flashed too the bike ride. "But that's illegal." Sam cried over the engine. "Screw illegal." I said. Her chin rested on my shoulder, and I liked the way our position was. "Your my kinda guy John." She whispered. I remember the way my heart pounded. "Nice to know." It was nice, it was incredible.

Then when we leaned into eachother, in our private little conversation, the way her voice was so delicate. Then our nose grazed eachothers. And our lips touched. I couldn't explain that little second. At all. Because if I did I would sound like a chick. I felt like she could hear my heart crazily beating.

Then that stupid lady interrupted.

 My hands clenched my blanket. It went down hill from there. My sudden snappy additude, matching hers. "Fine." I said sharply when she said she wanted to go home. I then apologized. Of course, Sam wasn't that kinda girl. She didn't move like that. Samantha Lace was a challenge. One I accepted without reading the contract first. I signed it and even though I don't know what I was getting myself into, I was glad. I was take the surprises full force.

There was that blonde. That guy blonde. If I wasn't mistaken that was Christian, I used to know him, I haven't seen him for months. The last I heard his girlfriend dumped him and he was never the same again. It could've been him, it's a small world and he did live some place around there. It was just possibilty.

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